When Daniel brought up the gate address, I hummed and Samantha asked what I knew. I sighed. "Long ago, before I joined the ancients and before they came to the Pegasus galaxy, the four races used to meet there. There are several planets like that one, most have been affected by cataclysms and such so they've had to move locations but it was a place of sharing between the four races."
Daniel asked. "A Heliopolis?"
I tilted my head before nodding. "Of sorts, yes. Only for the ancients it was more to test the younger races and see how far they've come, to guide them gently away from making dangerous mistakes, like say cloning oneself until genetic degradation sets in and wipes out their race. They bent their own laws without breaking them entirely by not giving them new technology, but helping them understand the dangers of the technologies they possessed already. They were teachers, scholars and healers back then."
Daniel compared them to the druids and I nodded. Daniel had an idea and asked. "So they might've left some knowledge behind then?"
I nodded. "Perhaps, yes. It's likely they have. But even if you could acquire and translate it, there's no telling what it is or if it's of current use. It could be too advanced for you to understand like doing calculus without having learned to multiply. The flip side is that if could be extremely dangerous and if replicated it could potentially leaned to the destruction of your world. After all these sort of things were warned against or taught first hand because they were so dangerous."
Jack spoke up. "There's a bit coming, I can feel it."
I snorted light. "But then again the information could be right up your alley like more efficient interstellar engines than the goa'uld o4 teleporters or possibly even answers that could help Samantha figure out how to apply the reactor technology she's studied, giving earth unlimited clean energy."
General Hammond smiled. "While that alone would be worth going, your main mission is to retrieve Ernest Littlefield and bring him home. If you do happen to come across other advanced technologies, well that's just the icing on the cake then."
We sent a probe and headed through when it was safe. I put my suit on and scanned the building, telling Jack. "The knowledge temple is through that archway and to the left, down the first stairs on the right. The scans of the DHD indicate damage and the scans of the atmosphere indicate hurricane level winds that'll level this place and drop it into the sea below. It seems the cliff it sat on has eroded in the last ten thousand years."
Jack sighed. "Always a time crunch. See what you can do about the gate."
I nodded and moved to the DHD while a naked bald man came in. I focused on fixing the DHD and when it proved useless, I carried it and sat it next to the gate. I found them in the temple and told Jack. "I've reconfigured a temporary DHD into my suit based on the current designs and programming. The old one is busted but I figure we can take it back to earth for your people to study."
He nodded and I walked to the center console Daniel was tapping, taking off my suit. "No time to play around Daniel. We've gotta go."
He said no and that we can't leave it before I turned to my suit. "Scan the room."
A white flash later and it was done so I told it. "Disconnect and carry the pedestal with us."
The suit moved fast and I turned to Daniel. "So long as we replicate the size of the room and take it all with us we can set it up for you to study on earth. Soon this place is going to be at the bottom of the sea so we don't have time unless you feel like playing little mermaid without the gills."
He grimaced and the suit flew with it beside us to the gate. I picked up the DHD and grunted. "Dial earth and send the encrypted signal for our team."
The suit hummed in answer and the gate activated before it flashed and I stepped through with it right behind. The others followed and I set the DHD in the gate room while Jack explained things. Ernest and all his notes were with Daniel and Catherine with us so we had it all. General Hammond was happy enough and with the exact layout of the room before, the device was active again and being studied at Area 51 with the DHD.
I printed out blueprints to the DHD on both what it looked like inside and how it was supposed to be down to the crystals. A copy was kept at the SGC for all teams to study in case their DHD breaks down. A full instruction manual for repairs was made and the scientists in each group were required to learn it and keep a book on hand just in case.
The next trip off world came just after a wonderful night Samantha and I shared in the jacuzzi back at my place. It had been a glorious night and what made it so was that I told her I loved her, showed her and she reciprocated. Passion burned and the night grew long with us. I told her in the morning that I trusted her completely and if she wanted to know things I wouldn't keep them from her.
I gave her full access, showing her the lab in the basement and my suit on a rack. She went to the books first and I smiled. "Just amusing things I've read about your world. The information I'm afraid to share with your government is on the laptop if that's what you're after."
She shook her head and looked at the small arc reactor, asking about it instead. I chuckled and told her all of it, how to make one, the basis for the math behind it, how it produces energy and what fuels it after palladium. I held her waistline and told her it could be scaled for usage, but the palladium causes a toxic burn off while the new element didn't. She called it fascinating and I shrugged before telling her that out of everything in the lab I valued her far more.
She touched touched her lips and asked. "Even these?"
I hummed. "Yes, though it's torture to say it."
She kissed me before asking as she put my hands to her breasts. "Even these?"
I huffed and earned a more passionate kiss. Then she put one of my hands down her pants and asked. "Even this?"
I waggled my brows. "Well, an argument could be made, but yes."
I pulled my hand free and touched her chest where her heart beat strong. "This means more than anything to me, even my own life."
She rolled her eyes and put my hand back in place. Hours later we came out of the lab a mess to Jack's call. We ended up off on a mission to Chulak where we attempted to rescue Ry'ac, Teal'c's son, from being implanted and becoming a Jaffa. I went off and sent Daniel and Samantha back towards the gate while I retrieved a tank full of goa'uld symbiote's.
I cloaked and flew to the rest of the team and found Teal'c had given his symbiote to his son. They said he'd die now and I appeared. "Funny thing. I saw this sitting there all shiny and full of the exact thing the assholes back at base were pressuring Hammond for."
I set it down and Bra'tac took one before putting it in Teal'c. He said it was young and Teal'c wouldn't be ready to move for a while so I had the suit cover him telling them. "Internal dampeners. He literally won't feel a thing."
I told the suit. "Carry the tank and alert us if a symbiote attempts to flee."
It gently lifted the tank and flew behind us while we left. Bra'tac, Ry'ac and his mother stayed for now while we went back with the container. I told the scientists that the suit was applying a low level energy field to the tank to stimulate the goa'ulds and keep them alive for now so they'd have to do the same if they wanted to keep them alive because once it was taken away they'd have hours before the goa'ulds start to die.
It was sat on a pallet and the suit released it while a sealed lid was applied. Teal'c was let out of the suit safe and sound, feeling much better. A week later Samantha gave me a key to her house and insisted I call her Sam. She insisted quite well told me so below the belt with her actions.
She swallowed and I cupped her cheek, calling her my Sam. She smiled and I returned the insistence before showing her that she had full access via system to my place so she could come and go whenever she pleased. Her DNA, Retinal and voice recognition scans with the finger prints and facial scans were all in the security system. At times we'd slow dance in my living room or watch tv at her place, read books in perfect silence and just relax around one another.
Other times I'd work in my lab and she'd ask how things worked while I answered off hand or when she understood something she'd work on it herself to see if she was right. I smiled when she made her first arc reactor no matter how basic and set it aside before telling her how sexy she was. We polished the table and came damned close to having children in a pregnancy scare because I'd been too into her to pull out.
I practically carried the nanite self cleaning and lubricating condom everywhere I went these days. It was the second pregnancy scare that ended up being food poisoning from her favorite takeout restaurant that had us entirely off guard for a time. Kinda glad I didn't eat the kung pow chicken now. Still, I held her as she vomited and gave her the suit to help fix herself.
She was better twenty minutes later after a good mouth washing and scrubbing. See, it was only a scare because I'd forgotten the condom in my rush to be inside he on the rug in front of the fire. I'd been worried because the first time had been doggy style and I'd gone deep when I released in her before we realized the condom wasn't on. Yeah, it put a damper on the evening, but it made me check my own sperm and find out that the Lantean changes to my DNA made my chances of getting her pregnant really low, like one in ten thousand low.
We knew the odds then and I told her that any child we'd have would be part Lantean to a very high degree and may live naturally up to a thousand years old or possibly inherit my mutation and become immortal to a lesser degree. We sat up and talked about kids which after a big nosebleed, I was able to tell her I'd had and lost all of mine to murder, time or other factors. I told her I wasn't sure about having them now, but if she still wanted them, I'd deny her nothing.
I told her that with my age and being alone came the understanding that I may always be alone no matter how immortal I make my lovers or children. She hugged my arms as I held her and told her I'd deny her nothing even if it meant pain later on because I loved her and pain was apart of life and love like happiness. I told her I'd cherish the good and endure the bad for her and for a baby with her smile, eyes and hair color.
She snorted and asked what it'd have from me then and I chuckled. "My charming personality and unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift."
Sam laughed lightly and I kissed her head before we slept.