Chapter 3. Bizarre Priest.

Chapter 3.

In the first rays of morning light, Hypnos opened his eyes indifferent.

As he looked around, he remembered last night and saw that his bed was already unoccupied.

Getting up, he prepared to go down and have his breakfast.

As soon as he descended the winding, dimly lit stairs, he unconsciously began to whistle a song.

As a music lover, in his times of experience, he composed and played his music on his flute.

This was one of his masterpieces.

The first time he played the song on top of a mountain. A solar eclipse occurred on the first note, which earned it the name of the lady of the black moon.

His sonata even enchanted Apollo, the God of music, and reached a point where music was once mistaken for a serenade for Selene, the Moon Goddess.

She did not refuse the rumors, saying the sonata described his love for her.

Hypnos really ignored all the rumors and just kept his meaning hidden in his heart.

Even without the flute, the melody was still divine, its passages were slow and sad in some parts and in others as aggressive as the fury of a volcano.

At the cafeteria. Elizabeth was sitting with the food tray in an empty part of the room.

The child-infested room was full of shouting and cheerful laughter.

The fairs, together with the head priest, sat at a single table separate from the children and talked about different things.

With her head down and enjoying breakfast in a lazy and lost way in her thoughts, Elizabeth did not notice a group coming to her table, she just raised her head and noticed their presence when a loud knock came over the table.

"Who do you think you are to ignore me !?" A childish and arrogant voice came.

As she looked, she saw a very muscular boy with disheveled hair and a proud and arrogant face.

"I heard you arrived last night. My friend here told me you came from the same orphanage as you, don't you recognize him?"

With the last sentence, she immediately started to shake.

When looking at where the boy pointed, he saw a tall, slim boy with black hair and mischievous eyes.

"Don't you remember me Elizabeth? I thought we were friends! How can you forget me?" He said in his high-pitched, irritating voice as he ran his fingers over Elizabeth's shoulder and squeezed hard.

Elizabeth herself froze with fear and can only endure the pain.

He was one of the main reasons for his move to the orphanage.

Shortly after humiliating Elizabeth, he convinced his friends and other children to do the same. As children, they didn't even think it was wrong and just followed his lead, who was older. Soon after being noticed by the adults in the orphanage, he had been transferred to another orphanage and she had never heard of him again.

She didn't expect it to be taken to the same place as him.

As soon as the boy was going to say something else to humiliate Elizabeth, they heard a melody.

She was as aggressive and sharp as the reaper's scythe itself.

And soon after it changed to a soft whistle like the flowering fields of spring.

The strangest thing was that the sound was strangely bizarre but at the same time attractive and from what they realized the sound came from the full darkness of the distant corridor.

The slender boy quickly removed his hand from Elizabeth's shoulder and pulled away from a little.

After all, he was a child, he was startled to think that he was a monster that came to catch him in the darkness.

After a few moments, the melody now sounded across the wide hall.

Everyone stopped eating to hear the seductive whistle.

Even the nuns' table stopped to pay attention.

It didn't take long for the sound to finally reach the edge of darkness.

Just one more step and they would see who played the beautiful melody.

And so it happened. When the figure took a step forward, the mysterious climate dispersed to give light to the figure of a handsome young man with golden hair and purple eyes mixed with gold.

The music immediately stopped in an aggressive tone as soon as Hypnos closed his mouth.

He frowned when he saw everyone watching him.

The silence was broken when a strong but gentle voice came to the back of the room.

More specifically at the adults' table.

"Hypnos, my boy, where did you learn this song? It sounded so good that I would like to be presented with the author's album." He said in a tone of indirect hint to the nuns, who smiled from the corner of their mouth.

Hypnos recognized the voice and watched the person with cold eyes.

It was the priest. He had a good belly to demonstrate and a wide body, his face was gentle, accentuated even more by his small brown eyes, his head was almost bald, leaving only a few strands that formed an almost transparent bridge.

In what seemed like forever, he finally answered.

"I wrote it. She's called the Lady of the Dark Moon." Then he continued on his way and picked up his tray of little food.

When he was about to go to his secluded corner, he noticed a person already occupying him.

Even so, he walked over and sat in front of the person with his head down.

"Very audacious, taking my place right after taking my bed." He said in a direct, weak tone.

Elizabeth herself jumped slightly when she heard of her unconscious actions.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have taken your bed." She lowered her head to apologize.

The second excuse didn't make sense since she didn't really know that this was his place.

When looking up again, she cannot help but notice that the group quickly left after Hypnos's arrival.

Which made her understand that he has a certain level of authority among minors.

"Hmm." Hypnos accepted his sincere apology with a murmur and a wave.

As soon as the coffee time was over, almost all the children were gone.

Except for Hypnos who had arrived late and Elizabeth who accompanied him. In addition, there were also few nuns and the priest at the table.

As soon as it was over, he returned the tray and walked calmly back into the darkness of the corridor.

As he moved, he heard voices at the beginning of the hall, still in the hall.

"Elizabeth, I'm coming to my office tonight, we still have some things to work out. Maybe I'll even let you play with some special toys that I keep there. But leave it a secret, the nuns wouldn't like you to leave. night." The priest's strong but gentle voice came.

And right after that, Elizabeth's childish and innocent voice came.

"Are you serious? Thank you, Priest!" She seemed incredibly happy about such toys.

Hypnos frowned and kept that nightly meeting.

From the beginning, he saw that this man's spirit is not as pure as it should have been for his work.

Time quickly passed and it was already night.

In the hall of flashing lights, a door slowly opened. From there. A little girl came out.

She looked into the room a few times to confirm.

And she sighs when he saw the sleeping state of Hypnos in his bed.

Closing the door quietly, she jumped and danced in the hall.

She really felt free when she was not seen and judged by the other children.

She quickly came to the front of a door and knocked lightly.

The door almost immediately opened. There she saw the priest in pajamas and a beanie.

"Ah, it's you Elizabeth, you took so long that I was getting ready for bed."

"Come on, get in." He said giving her space.

With a sweet smile, Elizabeth stepped forward and sat in the chair facing the table.

On her right side, where the door was, she heard some locking noise but she didn't care.

When the priest was walking towards her she said looking at the window.

"Hey, sir, could you let me play with the toys?"

"Yes, of course, I can Elizabeth. The toy is right behind your back, but don't turn around yet, it's a surprise!" A somewhat distorted voice came from behind him.

As soon as the priest said, Elizabeth felt something poking her in the back.

She felt a little strange as if that wasn't right.

She swallowed and said as she stood up.

"Wait a minute sir, I forgot something in the room, I'll be right back!"

As soon as she tried to get up and leave, he felt a big hand on her shoulder pushing her back.

"You can't go like that Elizabeth, if the nuns know you're still awake they'll be angry with you."


"Nothing but, miss. Be quiet and enjoy while I'm being nice." A tone of the disguised threat came from the words that struggled to come out in a gentle tone.

Elizabeth started to shake and a few tears came out of her eyes, knowing that what was coming would not be good.

Even though she tried to scream, she knew he would shut her up effortlessly.

She heard a malicious laugh behind her, as the thing that nudged past her neck.

At that moment a knock came from the locked door.

And next to that, a melody strangely similar to what they heard that morning.

Only instead of the soft parts, the aggressive tone was more pronounced and longer.

The sound resembled the sound of metal being sharpened and scraped.

It was like a hurried violin sonata with its high, deafening tone.

The slow, rhythmic beats played again, waking them from their torpor.

Clearly irritated by the provocation, the priest snorted behind his back.

"Be quiet and wipe your tears, understand !?" A low but extremely threatening voice rang in Elizabeth's ears.

She nodded groggily.

The priest, with his heavy steps, walked to the door and unlocked it.

Before opening it, he reinforced his gentle smile.

When he opened it, the two saw the figure of Hypnos.

Even though he was clearly sleepy, his eyes looked like deep wells that resembled even a trap that would fall and could never be released.

Even the priest was a little disconcerted.

"Why are you awake at this hour, boy? Go back to sleep before the matron sees you."

Upon hearing this, Hypnos ground his teeth but gave him a gentle smile.

"You know what Father Edward is, I heard you tell Elizabeth earlier that there would be toys here, so I came to see if you would let me play with them with her."

Edward felt a strange feeling when he saw the boy smile.

Since as long as he remembers, he wouldn't smile most of the time, only a few things would make him smile in the least.

"Of course, what I wouldn't do for the genius of our orphanage. Come on, among Hypnos." He said as he thought, smiling the night ahead.

As soon as he heard the door locked behind him, without turning around and asked in an innocent tone.

"You said we were going to play, but where are the priest toys?" Next to that, he looked at Elizabeth's panicked face trying to warn him.

As soon as he asked, he felt the strange sensation near his back.

Before that found him, he said.

"So this is it? I changed my mind, Father." In a quick spin, a metallic light passed.

Edward felt a strange sensation coming from below.

Looking at where the suffocating sensation came from, he took a deep breath.

But it seemed that no air reached his lungs since the feeling of dizziness came soon.

Looking at the floor, he saw his bloody piece of meat on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Father, I think I broke your toy," Hypnos said smiling. But to Edward, the smile looked terrible and monstrous.

Before he could react, another lacerating pain came to his leg.

When he looked, he saw a kitchen blade.

A strange feeling of panic and despair came to him, but he could not scream, due to the strange situation he was in.

He started to crawl towards his table.

Hypnos watched the fat man crawl with a cold face.

"Trash like you shouldn't be." He murmured, which made the priest crawl even faster in despair.

"Elizabeth, go to the table, get what he's looking for."

Hypnos's voice finally made the petrified Elizabeth wake up.

Following orders, she quickly jumped across the table and opened all the drawers.

In one of the drawers, she found a strange bundle of cloth.

When she removed the cover, a silver light appeared.

She quickly wrapped it up again and swerved away from the crawling priest.

Arriving beside Hypnos, she handed him the package.

Removing the package and holding the silver revolver, Hypnos sighed and said.

"A great weapon for an idiot like you."

Tracing the marked scriptures he appreciated the texture.

It was an 1876 silver colt with gold carvings.

"Definitely a beautiful weapon." He said smiling.

Even though he was not a gun freak like Hephaestus or Ares, he still liked the resourcefulness of the human being in relation to his combat tactics.

In boredom, he did many things, one of which was to collect fine art like this.

And of course, he knew how to use one very well.

After enjoying the beautiful weapon, he put it around his waist.

"I will not use this wonder on a worm-like you." He said coldly.

"Let's talk, boy, I know you wouldn't want to kill a priest, would you?…" In a foolish attempt to save himself, he began to release any kind of excuse and proposals to convince him.

"Your time is over deadly. Go back to the underworld like a filthy soul that you are." He said taking out another knife and driving it into the man's chest.

He looked helplessly at the blade lodged in his chest.

He pointed slightly at the bloodstained finger that came from his chest to Hypnos.

His eyes quickly lost focus after doing this.

Leaving the bloody body there, he walked to one of the windows and hissed between his fingers.

A high-pitched scream answered shortly thereafter.

At the edge of the window, a black hawklike bird landed and faced Hypnos.

This was a kind of Thunderbird that had been attracted to him, due to the large amounts of mana that accumulated in the orphanage because of his practice.

As he was still a puppy, Hypnos adopted him in secret and trained him to serve him.

"I have a mission for you. Nyx." As soon as he adopted her he considered it a little and he named it after the eternal night that was his birth mother.

Being female, the name suited her well and she seemed to have been happy, so for Hypnos, it was fine.

Hypnos was not very surprised that such a mystical bird exists in this world, due to the excess of natural energy.

Putting the revolver in a bag, he put it in Nyx's beak and ordered her to keep it for him in a safe place.

She nodded slightly and flew away.

As soon as it was all over, Hypnos gave the overburdened Elizabeth a go-ahead sign.

Released to spill, she gave the loudest cry her small body could.

Due to stress she quickly passed out after the auction.