
Though only half-conscious, Yilas heard what Mohsen said clear enough. She immediately furrowed her brows and grew suspicious. 'Why would he instruct Zassar those things?' She asked herself 'Why would he tell Zassar, the one that he didn't trust one bit and refuse to reveal the plan to this man the whole time now suddenly change his mind?'.

"W-What are you saying?" Yilas asked Mohsen, but she only had enough strength to whisper. The two beast-man didn't turn around to answer her. It wasn't sure if her words were too soft or they were too focused on the soldiers not far ahead. "Mohsen, we can work something out, let's just wait here till they are gone."

Yilas finished her words this time with coughs, she couldn't hide how weak she was anymore. Mohsen's heart felt like somebody just tied a knot around it. He knew if Yilas stayed in this forest any longer, it would put her life at risk. He steal a glance at her one last time and turned to Zassar.

"On my count to three..." Mohsen told Zassar, the centaur man nodded in agreement. Determination had set in the two beast-man gazes, they only acted in the most rational way that would save Yilas's life, not knowing how stubborn she could be.


"Stop!" Yilas spoke but it didn't change their action, she tried to look to Zassar for help but he couldn't even look at her in the eyes.


"Please, Mohsen, don't do it..."

The moment felt like forever, Yilas felt like her heart about to burst, she was so scared but they just ignored her disagreement. She held on tight to the both of them but it wasn't enough.


As soon as Mohsen yelled three out loud, his body flung like an arrow and shot straight out of the forest, even the mist that was covering them had cut into two like a piece of paper.

Soon enough, soldiers were yelling and screaming at him. And even though Zassar and Yilas couldn't see past the forest, based on their commands of pursuing Mohsen, Yilas knew his plan of drawing the army away was a success.

Suddenly Yilas heart sunk, she couldn't do anything but watch Mohsen left her. Yilas felt desperate and as if she was about to cry but all that came out of her mouth were wails and screams.

She had pushed herself off Zassar's back but her legs failed her, dragging her down with the ground as heavy as lead.

"NO! God, no! Please..." Fragments of words were the only thing audible to Zassar, he held Yilas off by hugging her tightly but the depth of pain in her voice was enough to tear his eardrums in half.

Yilas punched and scratched Zassar's chest, trying to pry her escape but the man was ten times stronger than her.

"Why?! Let me go, Zassar, LET GO! Please... I have to go to Mohsen. He will die out there."

"Shhh... we can't Yilas, he risked everything to get you out of here, we have to respect his decision." Zassar softly comforted Yilas, maybe she would still be too emotional about Mohsen's abrupt decision but it was for her good. All three of them couldn't possibly make it out alive.

Yilas cried and cried but no tears could escape her eyes, her pale face was puffed up with some lively color but it wasn't worth the heartache she was feeling. Yilas mourned until her throat was sore and her voice was lost, she never wanted for anyone she cared about to get hurt but it had always ended up being her fault. And Yilas couldn't pinpoint when did her beloved teacher had became something so important to her. But one thing was for sure, her heart hurt so much that she might die this instant.

Zassar patiently waited and comforted Yilas through her pain. He hugged her tightly and stroke her hair waiting for the storm to pass through her.

Though rumored to be a womanizer, the only experience he had with beast-women was bad-luck. Females in this world were always heartless and calculated, they only care about their status and power in the clan. Many didn't even care about their spouses, they treated their mates like pawns, they would secure whatever pieces that could give them security and wealth. Therefore, to be noticed by a high-status female, many beast-man spent all their time and family's heirloom into gaining a position in the court. Yet, only one out of every a hundred could succeed.

However, fortunately, by chasing all that material things had led him to this moment, next to a female that was worth waiting for. She was different from the moment he set eyes on her. She didn't care for his dashing looks, or latched onto him because of his status. She was simple-minded and innocent, she was beautiful but never seemed to be conceited. And Zassar felt she was especially forgiving toward him and all the mistakes he had made. He had silently made a promise to himself to never done such terrible things to her again, no matter how scared he was thinking about her never looking at his way again.

And in this moment, he was destined to be her rock, her safe boat, her light. And nothing would make Zassar happier than being just that for Yilas.