
" so you can do whatever you want with me and me alone."


"Like I'm gonna fall for your tricks" the commander mumbled with so much rage in his voice "You can't play the victim for the crime you commit!"

Bryok's commander rolled his tongue loudly, he was obviously annoyed by Yilas's comment. His brows knitted into one line and his face wrinkled like a raisin. Without hesitation, he swatted down as soon as Yilas finished. Since she was still had her face to the ground, the beast-man yanked Yilas hard by the hair, making her inevitably let out a scream. He pulled her closer to Mohsen, pressing her face to see his dying body, barely able to breath by himself.

"AAAAHHHH!!! LET GO." The pain was crucified, it was so sudden that Yilas couldn't do anything to get herself out of the man's grip. She had thought a patch of her scalp was about to peel off.

"Look at what you did with your bloody eyes!" The beast commander screamed mercilessly at Yilas's face while still trying to inflict as much pain as possible to her "before you can receive your punishment, you better beg master Bryok for forgiveness!"

And with just that, the man threw Yilas down to the ground again, hitting her head viciously. But it took no time for Yilas to get herself up from the hit, once she was freed from the grip of the two beast-men, she was desperately trying to get to Mohsen.

Yilas crawled on the ground and finally reached Mohsen's cold body. Her hand was laying on his back and she immediately noticed the low temperature, his breathing was much weaker than normal as well, it could only mean one thing. He was losing too much blood!

"Please, he's bleeding so much, you have to help him." Yilas hoarded voice merely escape her lips and it was directed at Bryok. The man was just standing over, watching two ants struggling to survive. The smaller, weaker ant was using its body to shelter the other one. 'How pitiful' Bryok thought.

"Why should we?" The commander answered in his master's stead "The only punishment for the traitor is de..."

The beast-man couldn't finish the sentence because Bryok palm had raised, anyone with commons sense would notice how annoyed Bryok's order was. Not a single syllable escaped after he had ordered the beast to stop.

"Enough..." Bryok thought for a while before speaking again, this time, his eyes were soulless and empty. He squatted down on one leg and whispered these words to Yilas "I heard the nine-tailed fox got nine lives, its blood is more powerful than any elixir and it can be transferred to a beast, but of course, it got to be willing... If you have the gut, I will show you how..."

Yilas started to sweat uncontrollably in fear, goosebumps ran all over her spine. Yilas opened her eyes in shock and looked at the cruel and heartless man, her mouth had open wide but no words could escape. She was choking on her own thoughts.

On one hand, she wanted to save Mohsen immediately, but on the other hand, she couldn't believe this man would easily help her like that, it must have been something that he wanted out of this. Moreover, as soon as Bryok told her about her blood being able to transfer to another, Yilas instantly thought of a blood transfusion.

When she was sick in the last life, before any major surgeries, the word 'blood transfusion' would come up. Her mother had the same blood type as she had always needed to stay around in case the surgery went side-way and they needed her mother to share blood with Yilas. If that was what Bryok meant, it could be possible that she had O-negative type blood and it would be able to save Mohsen. However, this world had only advanced to the stone-age at most so the possibility of successfully perform a blood transfusion was below zero.

'Bryok must be hiding something' Yilas looked at the beast-man dead in the eyes as she thought to herself 'But you have no choice, Mohsen will die if you don't act soon and who to say that he wouldn't force you to do it?'

Looking to the deep nothing of the dark sky, Yilas felt desperation creeping on her, there was no way out of this and there was no one who could help so the only option she had left was to risk her life another time.

"I...I will do it... J-JUST tell me how..."

A deep, cunning smile formed on Bryok's face, it stretched from ear to ear displaying his satisfaction. Yilas couldn't escape the eerie feeling she had in her gut, this wicked, deceitful man was about to kill her and she couldn't do anything but watch it coming.