Chapter 4

I slowly open my eyes to a rock sealing. I feel different, not bad but great in fact. I've never felt so amazing in my life, everything seems so clear. Then it came, the events that transpired before I blacked out. An overwhelming sense of anguish and sorrow flooded me like the relentless waves of a tsunami. Freydis, oh Freydis, please forgive me.

I did not imagine your death would come so suddenly. I will not cry for you, for I know Valkyries have already taken you to Valhalla, Freydis, first shield maiden.

I sit up to collect my thoughts, I now know that this is no ordinary world. Well I already knew that due to my powers but as I still aged I did not expect to see what the world would become. I was content to live my life as king of my people.

Now I know this is the twilight universe, and from what I could tell I am now a vampire as I have never felt this fresh. My senses are heightened and I have to focus to keep them in check. After two hours of calming my mind I have control over my mind and body.

From what I recall, people with gifts or certain traits can manifest powers after transition. As I already had power, on a high scale in fact I should have gotten a boost to my already existing powers. Before I can delve deeper I hear footsteps, "ah you are finally awake my new pet".

It's the bitch that killed Freydis my Valkyries and KG. Perfect, she can be my test subject. As she walks closer I realize how beautiful, no, I can't even think of a word to describe it.

But, I will not allow such things to sway me. Once I'm done with my tests, she will die. "I have made you into something more, as payment you will serve as my pet for all eternity, won't you?" As she finished speaking I felt a small pressure on my mind, so she has powers as well.

However, it is so weak, like gentle waves slapping against rock. I feel it but am unaffected by it, interesting. From what I can tell, her power is to influence loyalty I think. Or maybe attraction, as I do feel a slight change in my psyche when I lower my defense. Now I understand why she would still turn me, even after witnessing my power as a human. She seeks to induce loyalty so that she will have a powerful slave. Too bad for her I am far more powerful than she realizes,

"you killed someone close to me, denied her an honorable death. I will make you suffer" I say then use my telekinesis to force her to her knees. "What! How are you doing this? I should have full control over you".

Hahahahaha, I laugh at her stupidity. "You messed with the wrong man bitch, now be a good girl while I test my new limits". Saying that I completely shatter her arms and legs after a lot of concentration with my power alone. Wow, now I know from the movie how durable vampires are but this is insane. I destroyed her limbs with, granted a substantial amount of effort but still. "Ahhhhhh! Stop please! Don't kill me! I will tell you whatever you want to know, I will even become your woman just don't kill me!"

She screamed hysterically, a high pitched wail like that of a wounded animal.

"I do not require your compliance bitch, I will rip what I want from your very mind and then after a few tests, kill you". Saying so, I entered her mind, it was so easy.

Her entire life flashed through my mind in an instant, much faster than before where I would have to watch it as if on rewind at two times speed. Interesting, she is not that old, only eight hundred years. "Well then, let's begin shall we?"

Days later I have finished all my experiments, the subject lays on the floor with no limbs and a vacant look in its eyes. I have completely shattered her mind, she entered oblivion in so much agony, well you reap what you sow. During this time I periodically summoned an animal into this cave to feed. I have a decent understanding of my powers now.

My telepathy has received major upgrades, originally I could only read the thoughts and memories of a target. The most I can read at a time was ten people, with the ability to control the minds of weaker minds like animals. Now however, I can influence the mind of a vampire. Before I could only read her mind but not do anything to it. If that's the case then I must be able to influence all humans. I can't take away memories or anything like that but I can induce terrible illusions and a form of compulsion.

I imagine I have a shield on my mind to protect myself from other mind powers. I wonder if that extends to things such as tracking, can't know that for now. Now onto the real good stuff. My telekinesis is mind boggling. If before I could lift things twice my weight then now I can literally rip large chunks of rock from the wall itself, and crush it to pebbles.

I was never able to fly but now I can, when I previously tried this as a human it placed too much strain on my mind. I could get off the ground, but only about five feet with limited movement. The best I could do is glide, now however I can go as high as I please. I don't think twilight vampires have organic brains, thus making mental strain negligible as I'm sure it's made of a crystal like material now. With this welcome boost to my power I think I have developed elemental manipulation.

However it's not that strong, but I am eager to see if it can be improved upon. I also have a telekinetic aura, which is a field around me that allows me to sense everything in my range which also increases the range of my telepathy. Now the reason I think my powers can be further enhanced is because during this time I could feel my range increasing. Only minutely but as a vampire with such heightened senses I can tell. Speaking of senses, my telekinesis can augment just about everything. My already insane speed, strength, durability, and reflexes can be enhanced with my power.

I wonder if I could create new applications later on? If I could manipulate the elements, then maybe I could manipulate matter, or even reality? Well I have eternity to figure that out. I look down at the pathetic creature at my feet and before I crush her a thought enters my mind. I enter her mind, which is completely empty. 'When I say stand, you will stand'. After leaving that command I exit her mind. "Stand". She immediately starts moving, however it is futile as she has no arms or legs. Fascinating, even though her mind is broken and empty, I can still leave commands that her body will follow.

I notice a grey-ish liquid seeping from her extremities. It seems to be reaching for the broken pieces of her body. Could this venom have sentience? No, I doubt that. I gather all her broken pieces and place them near her and watch in fascination as the venom slowly repairs the body. In twenty four hours her body is fully repaired. During this time I have been montering her mind but no progress has been made. Perhaps the venom is only capable of healing physical damage? I don't have enough information to know for certain.

Perhaps I could make use of this. I leave a simple command in her mind, 'stay still, do not attempt to move or speak'. Her body instantly freezes up and I levitate her off the ground and have her follow me. With all that done I finally step out the cave into the world as a new existence, no longer am I a human. I am now a vampire, an apex predator. I pity the fools who would stand in my way, the Egyptian coven, the Romanian coven, the Volturi, all will quake in my presence.

In times of darkness, I shall look to the gods. In times of doubt, I shall keep the faith. In throes of rage, I shall hone my craft. In vengeance, I shall have no mercy. In the midst of battle, I shall have no fear. In the face of death, I shall have no remorse. I keep vigil in the darkness. I am Sveinn Sigbjornsen, I shall fear nothing, for I am what you fear.