With that declaration made I step out of the cave and take to the sky. Flying is truly a wonderful feeling, but I can't waste too much time. My people need me, and with this new development I can assure their prosperity. The speed at which I'm able to fly is mind boggling. Not to mention I'm carrying another body with me. Truly my mind has evolved, to be able to make corrections on the fly while also keeping the body of my doll close by.
I arrive at my longhouse in the evening and as I fly over no one sees me. I land at the front gates and the guards are momentarily stunned. They stare at me for a few moments before jumping to attention and immediately salut me with a fist to the chest. "Send word to the council, we meet in an hour". After giving the guards their orders I head inside to prepare for their arrival. "My lord! You're back, we heard from the warriors that you stayed behind. We thought you were dead".
Looking over I see my head maid, she looks frantic. She is a good looking woman with an alluring physique. She has pale blue eyes with a heart shaped face and dirty blonde hair. All my people have good health, I doubt there is a single fatty in my kingdom. This especially applies to those in my service.
"Calm down Tola, the council will be meeting shortly. Go and make preparations for their arrival". She nods and looks at the body floating beside me but says nothing and gets to work. Making my way to my room I place the doll under my bed and remove my armor and dirty clothes. As I finish undressing, Tola walks in handing me a cloth and leading me to the tub. After a quick scrub she assists me getting dressed and I head to the meeting room. The council is already there waiting for me. When I enter they all stand and stare. I calmly walk to the head of the table and look at the group of elders. "What are you staring at? Look alive! We have much to discuss".
After everyone is seated the first to speak is my father. "Son, where have you been? We thought you were dead. Also, you look different". The other council members nod at father's questions and await my answer. I look at those in the room one at a time. Making sure they each hold eye contact with me. "I have received word from Odin".
That gets surprised looks from all present and I am immediately bombarded with questions. Letting them carry on for a while, I raise my hand to silence them. "Before the battle could take place, the enemy was slaughtered before our very eyes. Before us stood a single woman".
All attention is focused on me. "This woman was not human. She was an apex predator, a monster. She killed all who stood in her way including my loyal Kings guard and Valkyries. Only I was left, and as she stood before me. As she looked me in the eyes and all I could see was death. That is when he spoke to me. Odin told me that this creature is one of this world's strongest. That if I don't adapt, my people will suffer. He gave me a choice. Die now and enter the halls of Valhalla, where I will be welcomed with open arms. But at the cost of the future of my people that I have led thus far. Or; I could evolve into that which seeks to destroy my people and all that we have built. He gave me a choice, and I chose the most difficult. I chose to forsake the opportunity of Valhalla to better serve my people; to serve you all. I chose to become that which threatens to destroy us, to become the monster".
Father stands from his seat looking at me with pain and other complex emotions. "No! Boy, tell me you have not damned yourself!" I look father in the eyes. "You will sit and you will be silent", I say with as much authority as my title as king warrants. After a brief struggle he sits back down. "I have gained power and eternal life but this has barred me from Valhalla. Odin has given me this task and it is an eternal one. Changes must be made to adapt to this task. For this woman is not the only one of her kind. There are many others and I have been given the most important order to stand against them."
"Rejoice, my brothers and sisters. For this has given me the solution to a problem that was unavoidable. I have many ideas to make our nation stronger. But time, time is what held me back. Now I can see my vision for a united Norway through".
The room erupted into cheers. I had personally hand picked all council members and with regular mind reading I am certain of their loyalty. Some might say what I'm doing is wrong. That these people are nothing more than my puppets. Those people are fools. I have a vision of what I want this nation to become. I built it to what it is now and I'll be damned if some fool topples all that I've built for petty reasons. I simply want what is best for my people. And what is best for them is to follow me.
After a few hours of us going over future plans the meeting was adjourned. As the others filed out only myself and father remained. When all were gone we sat in silence. "Why" he asked. "It is my duty". "I promised your mother that I would protect you. But this path you have chosen to walk, is not one I can follow". He stood and made his way to the door. "You can follow me father. I can give you the power to do so, the power to always watch over me." He pauses at the door and looks back at me. "No son, I cannot. I wish to see her again and I will not give that up for anything. You take care of yourself, boy".
He left and I sat in silence, lost in my thoughts. I remember very little of my past life. At least personal things like my family if I even had one or other things of that nature. But everything else I learned was in my mind, ready to be used. With my telepathy it's a simple matter to review classes I attended. Random things I had searched up as a teenager. All that knowledge ready to be used for the benefit of my nation. Sadly, most of that knowledge ended with high school level academics. Should have gone to college I guess.
Then my thoughts went back to father. I have no memories of any other family but him, to see that look in his eyes hurt. But it's his choice to make. I have no idea if he will see her again. If not, then hopefully he won't even remember she existed. For knowing what he lost can never be seen again is a pain I cannot begin to imagine.
I stood and made my way to my room. Tola was beside the door, ready to serve. Looking her over I stooped to truly appreciate her beauty. I suppose all that time pining over Freydis and her subsequent denial has blinded me to other women. I will miss her, but now that I know that this world has so much in store for me. I will remember her.
"Come with me Tola". I walk back to my room and she follows close behind. As we walk I think back to how I met Tola. She was from one of the many tribes we concurred. She lost her husband and children due to various reasons. I found her and gave her a job, like many other women who I found visually pleasing. Tola was on the older side, but she was a hard worker. She moved fluidly and with a purpose. It did not take long for me to notice such work ethic and she was promoted to head maid.
The fact that she was a hot milf definitely played a role in that decision. But it was truly her work ethic that played the larger part in her current standing. For she may be a maid, but she was my maid. And she took no shit from anyone. Especially when it came to my well being.
We arrived at my room and as we entered she closed the door behind us. I moved to the foot of my bed and sat down. "Come to me Tola". She stepped forward till she was just standing before me. "Yes my lord". I looked her over again. She was about thirty six years old. A mature woman. I honestly did not want to lose her and besides, she has served me faithfully thus far. Always by my side, managing my household, always ready to serve her master.
I reach out to her and pull her to a kneeling position between my legs, looking up at me. I place my hand on the side of her face and she flinches a bit due to my cold hands. But she quickly adapted and stared me in the eyes. I peered into her mind to see what she truly thought of me. I smile at what I find and know this is the right choice.
"Tola, my Tola, you have served me well over the years". She smiles at my praise. "But sadly I have become more than what I once was. I fear that you will no longer be able to support me as you have always done". She looked shocked and frightened. "My lord, have I done something wrong? Tell me what the issue is and I will fix it". I continued to stroke her cheek as I applied a regretful look. "Alas, my dear Tola. This is not something you can fix. For I have gained immortality and you will continue to age and wither".
She looks shocked and then saddened at the implication of my words and looks down trying to hide her tears. "But there is a way for you to remain at my side". Her head shot back up and she looked at me with hope. "Say it my lord and I will see it done. I will do anything if it means I can stay by your side. You are all I have left. I don't want to lose anyone else".
"I can grant you immortality, but at a cost". "Name it my lord" she says with a resolute look in her eyes. "You must give up Valhalla". That stunned her and she looked at me with surprise. I have spent years indoctrinating my people to my new religion and to them Valhalla is the ultimate prize. What I created wasn't the Norse mythology down to the letter. I made changes to better suit my needs. And for someone like Tola who lost her family, giving up Valhalla is a great sacrifice.
"My lord, I have thought of little else but my family. I have wanted nothing else but to see them again. But serving you has given me purpose. I know that they would be proud of me for how far I have come. To be the head maid of the son of Odin. I know that they are in Valhalla, together living in peace and happiness. I will bring them greater honor by serving you my lord. But more than that, I chose to serve you because I want to. I want to always stand at your side, ready to serve. Do what you must my lord, for my place is by your side. Even if that means eternal servitude, it would be my honor".
I pulled her up into my lap and bit into her arm, draining her and then giving her my venom. She made no sound as she lost consciousness. I laid her on my bed, awaiting her revival as my eternal servant.