Faking Identity-II

"Where the hell is he?" Hallow questioned, deciding to take the walk on himself as he jumped away from Beelzebub's pocket. "Can't you sensed where is he? I thought Demons could sense souls."

"That goes the same for you, grim reaper," reminded Beelzebub as it appeared Hallow had almost forgot that he was a grim reaper and not an abnormal talking chick.

"I can't sense him because there is something that block my power," replied Hallow to his defense.

"That also apply to me. I can't sense anything, damn it," cursed Beelzebub. 

"If this dark sorcerer is able to block and tinker with our senses, doesn't that mean Gabriel is stronger than us or even Ian?" Hallow asked when he got up to the counter and he bent down to search for Gabriel. 

"Stronger than Ian?" Beelzebub repeated with a facetious smile nod he chuckled, "He won't."