Faking Identity-III

The forest continued to be filled with howls from the wind that came all too suddenly, while most people was in their own crossfire, Gabriel and Lucifer had chosen to take a talk that seemed to be very peaceful on the surface but only God knows what the two were thinking in their mind.

Lucifer smiled internally, far away from the forest, in the kingdom of Hell, Lucifer sat on his tall red cushioned seat with his legs crossed. His long black hair fell to cover his taut chest where intricate lines contoured his body as it was exposed by the black robe he wore.

Half of his upper face was covered by deep shadow and he leaned to rest his chin on his left arm which he settled on his armrest, "I don't think we are on the same page, Gabriel? I mean we are not in the same book I guess. I can't understand what you are trying to say."