Fitting The Wedding Gown-III

Elise blink as she didn't expect this news at all. "Mr. Harland disappeared?" It was only four days ago did they talked to each other and now the man had disappeared?

Ian can't help but smile. The poor vampire, he thought. Edward had tried to urge Elise to call him by his first name and although his sweet bride didn't show it, somewhere in her heart her guard was raised and it must be her blood that prevent her from getting close to men like Edward. "Even until death, he didn't get what he wanted, poor him," Ian whispered but contrary to his pity words, his smile was wide across his lips.

"How did he disappear?" Elise then questioned. While she didn't like the man and had been avoiding him for the past few occasions where they met as she was suspicious of how he always knew where she would be going, it didn't change how there was once where Edward was her friend.