Mouse Trapping Cat-I

Jerome smiled wider for his teeth to gleam. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Esther was the most beautiful lady of all people on the village. When Jerome first saw Esther, his heart was immediately taken by the woman by a glance. The only love was nurtured when he spent more days talking and greeting Esther as his neighbor. 

Jerome pulled the long shotgun, "Yes, I borrow this shotgun from the head village, it appears that this is one of the latest hunting pistol that are famed."

Esther stared at the shotgun, "It must be expensive and dangerous." But not as dangerous as the spells that she knew, came the thought in Esther's mind. While human were progressing fast, it doesn't mean the dark sorcerers who were present amongst humans were lacking anything in term of power. However, with the human being cleverer than before, the weapon would certainly be one of their enemy.