
There was theories in Elise's mind about Ian's feathery pitch black wings. At first she contemplated whether it happened because Ian was once a human who converted into a Demon but when she read the book about Angels which she borrowed from Redrick, the book stressed on how immaculate their feathery snowy white wings which was said to only be granted to the celestial beings and never to others. Which mean somewhere in Ian's blood, he held a lineage of an angel, just like her. 

Lucifer nice made into one of Elise's questionable choice of being Ian's family but she wasn't;t sure of it.

"How do you know Lucifer is your family?" And who could it be?

"After you asked about my origin, I decided to interrogate further. We found my mother's diary," Ian spoke with a considerable and thoughtful look on his face, as he took a seat in front of her.