
Elise felt his lips against her chin, trailing around the curve of her face and softly when his lips brushed against her neck, her breaths turn shallower. Ian's fingers on her waist and bottom took its time but was fast too turn a mere cress into something much more lewder and sultry.

His lips went over her, it wasn't a kiss as he only hover before her pink lips. The moment of silence between them passed with the two touching each other, tasting and feeling one another by their fingertips and sense of touch. Until Elise could not feel it any longer did Ian kissed her lips, nibbling her upper and lower lips to then enter her mouth.

On the other hand, his fingertips went lower from her hips to her core which he had been pressing with his knees. Elise's inhibitions was washed away when he dived his hands inside her dress, the light teasing brush on her lower part turned her body wanton with his move.