Whose Shadow?-III

A/N: Today chapter is only one because the author is high with fever

Elise had so many questions in her mind about her father whom she only knew his name of without knowing how he looked like. It was only a moment ago from Lucifer's words that she learned it was her father who had locked her memories, putting it aside, why?

Esther glowered to Ian, her teeth was set on edge. Elise took a deep breath, "Continuing from earlier, I want to know the reason why you had spread the false rumors all over the village, that I had a sister."

Esther looked at Elise, as for now she was still certain she won't be killed. Having the disadvantages here, all her cards had been stolen from under her nose, she obediently understood her choices, "I needed to find you," came her reply after a while. Elise knew the woman couldn't lie with two demons across her and both could tell the lies if she told, "believe me that all I wanted to do was to find you."