Killing Noisy Dove-I

"I don't know," answered Esther with all honesty, "But I do trust that the person want you for different reason and it is to destroy hell. The Angel had been plotting under everyone's nose in the most sneakiest way that one cannot know what he had done, maybe he is the one you spoke of, the possibility is high."

"Heaven is filled with Demons too see," Ian said with a hum of his lips.

Elise didn't know what to think. She grew up with the thought that Heaven is place free from sins but it appears now even the cleanest place on the three realm still held people who could cause and wish for destruction— a plan which was the opposite of what Heaven taught to others.

"Beel," Ian then called and Elise snapped her eyes to look at the blonde-haired demon who nodded. He brought both hands to his pocket, leisurely coming toward the cell when Elise had taken a step back and away from it.