Packing - Rainbow

Rainbow stuffed her clothes into a small suitcase. Term would be ending soon and she needed to start cleaning up. As much as she hated school and the populars, it was nothing compared to her hatred of home. She felt like she was stuck in limbo. Never being able to break free and be happy.

A hand rested on her tense shoulder. "Hey, are you ok RB? I know how much you hate going home." Dimond asked, her voice gentle and calm.

"I'm fine." Rainbow responded, her voice shaking slightly. She pushed Dimond's hand off and continued throwing her clothes into the case. Dimond frowned.

"RB if you wanna talk about stuff, you know I'm here... the nurse is here too..." Dimond continued mostly unfazed by Rainbow's actions. She was always temperamental around this time.

"Oh, so you want me to tell you? What? Need new content for your jokes about me?" Rainbow harshly came back. Dimond's double personality was starting to aggravate her.

"Rainbow I'm just trying to help!" Dimond huffed crossing her arms in an attempt to make herself the subject.

Rainbow spun around, hands glowing rainbow colours. In Dimond's desperation to make sure Rainbow was mentally okay she forgot to check if she was magically okay.

"I don't need your double personality right now! Pick a side! You're either with me or against me!" Rainbow shouted, gesturing with her hands, only to make a big spell by accident. Her eyes widened. "Dimond watch out!" She screamed.

It was too late. The spell hit into Dimond sending her flying into the wall with Rainbow still frozen in fear. A wardrobe that had been positioned close to the wall fell on top of Dimond after she slammed into the wall and knocked it over. Dimond cried out and went limp. Rainbow shook her head and ran over to the wardrobe.