I'm really out of shape

Ying Xuan nodded and Shi Weiwei closed her book with an admiring expression, "That was fast. So, what do you want to do now?"

Ying Xuan pointed to Weiwei's book and signed, 'What about your homework?'

Shi Weiwei waved her hands, "Oh, it's not due tomorrow anyway. So, what should we do?"

Ying Xuan let out a smile and the two girls spent the rest of their time before bed watching a Chinese drama.

Ying Xi came and sat on her table, grumbling about the mountain of homework they had been given, but Xuan paid no notice as she and Weiwei enjoyed the drama and tucked in early.

The next morning, Ying Xuan got up to the sound of her alarm going off. She got up and looked out of the window. The sun was not up yet, but there was light enough outside. Ying Xuan dressed without switching on the lights. She wore her sport shoes, a pair of sport shorts and a tank top. Ying Xuan walked out of the dorms half an hour later, her hair up in a high ponytail.

Xuan did some stretches before she began to jog. She had decided to do a few rounds around the campus, but stopped, panting, just after one round. The sun had come up by now and Ying Xuan was drenched in sweat.

"Whew. I really am out of shape. How about one more round before a little workout at the college gym? Gotta take it slow at first." Ying Xuan thought as she headed for another round.

An hour and a half later, Ying Xuan dragged her tired body back to the dorms.

Just as she was about to enter the dorm building, her phone began to ring.

Xuan picked it up. Shi Weiwei's worried voice came from the other end, "Xuan? Xuan, where are you? I've been searching for you for.....well, ever since I got up. Where are you?"

Ying Xuan chuckled as she hung up. Xuan was sure that Shi Weiwei had not been awake for more than fifteen minutes and had panicked when she had not found Xuan in her room or the bathroom.

Ying Xuan hurried towards her room and found Shi Weiwei outside her room, still in her pyjamas.

Shi Weiwei grabbed hold of Xuan's shoulders as soon as she saw her, and wanted to hug her, but Weiwei let go of her with a start as she said, "Why are you so sweaty? What have you been doing?"

Ying Xuan chuckled and signed, 'I went jogging.'

Shi Weiwei was surprised, "Jogging?"

Ying Xuan nodded. Shi Weiwei pushed the questions to the back of her mind as she said, "First, you need to go take a shower. You stink."

Ying Xuan nodded and headed towards her room. While at the door, Weiwei called out, "Come to my room when you're ready."

Ying Xuan entered the room and was relieved to see that Ying Xi had just come out of the shower.

As Xuan picked up her towel, Xi scrunched up her nose, "God, what stinks so much?"

Ying Xuan rolled her eyes as she thought, "Are you really this stupid, or do you actually expect me to answer?" She went into the bathroom and closed the door.