We should do this again sometime

Wei Jingyu nodded and said, "I'll walk you there."

Xuan nodded and the two walked in silence, worried about Shi Weiwei.

Once at the entrance of the girls' dorms, Jingyu gave Xuan's arm a reassuring squeeze and said, "Don't worry. Okay. I'm sure Weiwei is fine and it's nothing serious. Drop me a text if you need any help."

Xuan's lips curved into a smile and she nodded. Wei Jingyu also smiled, and then turned around to leave.

Just as he turned, Xuan caught his hand. Jingyu turned around, worrying that she was too anxious about Weiwei. But Ying Xuan's face was a bit guilty as she signed, 'I'm sorry that our date had to end this way. I really had a great time and hope we can do it again some time.'

Wei Jingyu raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Do it again, as in a second date?" he asked, sounding very unsure, contrary to his usual self.

Xuan smiled and took a step forward. She lightly planted a kiss on Wei Jingyu's cheek, her lips lingering on his cheek a second too long.

Wei Jingyu blinked, looking like he was seeing stars. He clearly was too dazzled to say a word as he turned around with a goofy smile and walked to his own dorm.

Ying Xuan watched his back for a second before she entered her dorm building.

Her steps quickened and she soon broke out into a full on run, stopping at the door of Shi Weiwei's room.

Wei Jingyu's presence had had a odd calming effect on her and she hadn't been very worried. But now, when he was no longer with her, Xuan was suddenly getting more anxious by the second.

She opened the door and burst in the room to see Mo Feng'er sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. She looked up at the sound of the door opening and disappointment flashed in her eyes upon realising it wasn't Weiwei.

Feng'er stood up and rushed towards Xuan and spoke, "She's okay, right? Please tell me she's okay."

Ying Xuan held her shoulders to calm her. She then signed, 'What did she say before she left?'

Mo Feng'er, of course didn't understand and tilted her head in confusion. Xuan groaned and began searching for a pen and paper. She had just found it when Feng'er, guessing Xuan's meaning, spoke, "She was very agitated when she came back. I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn't tell me. Just kept saying she wanted to talk to you. I said that calling you was stupid, as you wouldn't be able to talk, no offence. But she said she didn't want to talk to you over the phone, she wanted to talk face to face. She was calling you to ask you to come over. When you didn't pick up, Weiwei got even more agitated and she paced around the room for a while before picking up soemthing from her table and going out. She hasn't returned since."

Ying Xuan frowned as she walked over to Weiwei's study table and saw that her writing supplies were missing.

Relief washed over Xuan as she guessed what had happened. Something back at the college had gotten her very agitated, and when she couldn't talk to Xuan about it, Weiwei had picked up her writing material and gone off to calm herself.