What did she do now?

Xuan pretended to think for a minute before she signed, 'But I will need an excuse to tell the police. Even my father can get me out of so much trouble.'

Shi Weiwei chuckled at her response. She wiped away whatever tears were left before she spoke, "Well you can decide if what she has done now is reason enough to kill."

Xuan's eyes darkened as Weiwei opened her mouth to continue. What had Ying Xi done now. Xuan could forgive whatever stunts she pulled against her, but to target her friends. Suddenly, Ying Xuan was very much willing to live up to the reputation her father considered her to be.

"I guess I should tell you all that happened. Remember how . . . . . . . " Shi Weiwei began, but stopped when Xuan's phone beeped. She looked at Xuan, who sighed before whipping out her phone.

It was Wei Jingyu. He was texting to ask if she had found Weiwei yet. Xuan quickly said that she had and while she was at it, decided to put Mo Feng'er at ease too.

She was then about to keep her phone away when it beeped again. It was Jingyu.

'Where are you guys? I apparently made the biggest mistake of my life when I told Kio about the situation. He's now insisting on coming and making sure Weiwei is all right.' his text said.

Xuan huffed as she replied, 'I think I am more than capable of making sure Weiwei is all right.'

Jingyu: 'Please Xuan!!! I'm sooooo worried about her!! Just let me see her one time, I promise I'll leave once I see she's fine.'

Xuan frowned. Seemed like Jingyu had given the phone to Kio. The next instant, Jingyu texted again, 'Say the word and I'll tie him to my bathroom door.'

Ying Xuan chuckled upon reading this. So the phone was back in Jingyu's hands.

'No. Bring him here. We're at our spot in the gardens. And call Zuan and Shaoyan and tell them Weiwei's fine.' Xuan replied. She had decided to let Kio come after all. He was only anxious. And as much as Xuan doubted his intentions towards Weiwei, he had yet to do one thing to upset her. Who knew, he might genuinely care about Weiwei after all.

'Kio and Jingyu are coming. They were worried about you too. And Mo Feng'er is patiently waiting to yell at you when you return.' Xuan signed, putting her phone back in her pocket and facing Shi Weiwei.

Weiwei opened her mouth to say something, but seemed to decide against it and sighed, hanging her head, "I've made you all worry for no reason."

'Please! It's a friend's job to worry. For example, I'm counting on you to worry about me when I fail grammar this sem.' Xuan signed,rolling her eyes.

Weiwei chuckled and shook her head. "You say that, but we all know you're going to nail it. You're the most popular girl on campus after all."

'I wonder why. I have none of the qualities.' Xuan signed, 'I'm awkward in social situations, I have the biggest dorks as friends, and I hardly do anything that attracts any attention at all. If anything, Xi should be the popular girl.'