Like a vamp

When Su Shaoyan had said that he was the make-up artist and not her, she had taken his eye-shadow pallet, and smashed it to the ground.

Su Shaoyan held his forehead and turned to look at Ying Xuan, who sighed and walked to him. 'Go do Jingyu. I'll take care of her.' she signed, handing the brush in her hand to Su Shaoyan, who nodded miserably and walked over to where Wei Jingyu sat, his face dark with anger.

Xuan turned to look at Ying Xi with her hands on her hips and signed, 'What do you want?' Xi turned her head in disgust and said, "Don't try to communicate with me like this. I'm not mute like you." "Well, you would be expected to know this way of communication. Seeing as you are playing the part of a mute person." Lu Zuan's voice was heard as she walked over. "And Xuan asked you what did you want." she added.

Ying Xi pressed her lips together and said, "I'm playing a part. That's all I'm doing. I haven't gone mute you know." "The wrong sister got the ability to speak." Zuan mumbled, and Xi asked, narrowing her eyes, "What did you say?" "I said that. . . " Lu Zuan began, but she stopped when Xuan put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

"Go get my eye-shadow pallet from the dorm. She smashed the one we were supposed to be using for the play. And ask her how she wants her hair done. Please." Ying Xuan mouthed and Lu Zuan huffed before asking Ying Xi and going off to get the eye-shadow pallet.

Ying Xi huffed as Xuan got to work on her hair. "You better make them look good. I don't want my acting to get affected due to bad make-up and hairstyle. These dresses are already a freak show." she snapped, and Xuan thought, "Everything is perfect. The only thing that will sabotage the play will be your acting." but she didn't say anything and continued to work.

Xuan was almost done with Xi's make-up and everything else was ready, when Ying Xi suddenly snapped her hand away and asked for a mirror. "What is this?!?!?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE?!?!?!?! Why do I look like a bloody vamp!!!!" Xi shrieked, and was about to smash the mirror to the ground when her wrist was caught by a strong hand. Both Ying Xi and Xuan turned to look and were equally surprised upon seeing Wei Jingyu and equally scared upon seeing him so angry.

"NOT. ANOTHER. WORD." Jingyu thundered, staring at Xi, his light brown eyes looking as cruel as a desert. "But my make. . . . . "Ying Xi began, but he cut in, "Is as good as ever can be. It's no one's fault you look like a vamp, it's probably your personality shining through. Now, if I hear another whine come out of that sorry mouth of yours, you'll never want to act. EVER AGAIN."

After shocking Xi into silence, Wei Jingyu turned to look at Xuan and said, "Weiwei wants you. Come." 'But her make-up is not yet done. I need to. . . . .' Xuan began, but he caught hold of her hand and dragged her away, saying, "Like I said, it's as good as it can be. Now come."