The story continues

Lu Zuan took a huge breath and hurried to the stage. It had already been a few minutes since the first scene ended and the audience and judges were getting impatient.

Once on the stage, Zuan put the mic to her mouth and signaled for the production crew to start putting the props in place. Then she spoke, and all the while the curtain remained closed.

"The fairy princess Marylene did something that had never been heard of." Lu Zuan's voice rung out throughout the hall. Her voice was loud just enough and had the perfect combination of calm and mystery to spark curiosity. "She used forbidden magic." Zuan continued, "She colluded with a black witch and used forbidden magic to bring back her voice. And to top it all of, Marylene talked back to the judge that was supposed to pass judgement on her. Normally, this would have warranted the death penalty, but seeing as she was the one and only princess of the fairy world and how much the masses loved her, the judge decided to show mercy on her."

Lu Zuan cast a quick glance at the production team. They were almost done. Perfect. "He only took away the voice she had gotten through black magic and banished her to the human world after taking away her wings and her fairy powers. Marylene would be allowed back into the fairy world only if she proved herself worthy i the human world."

Completing her part, Zuan gracefully receded into the wings as the lights turned on. She could only hope this desperate attempt would work. Lu Zuan passed Ying Xuan as she rushed to the stage and gave her a sad encouraging smile, and went back to the person who seemed to be still in shock, Shi Weiwei.

An hour later . . . .

The play had somehow miraculously gone smoothly since the second scene. Everyone, though still in shock, had managed to play their parts perfectly. Especially Ying Xuan and Wei Jingyu. They had perfectly played the roles, almost like the characters were themselves, which was not that far from the truth. No one could deny that they really looked like a perfect fit for each other and their was obvious chemistry between them.

Xuan had changed into the special princess dress and the last scene was underway. Everyone watched in anticipation as princess Marylene was called back into the fairy world, and she had to make the agonizing choice between either leaving her world or her love.

Everyone in the whole hall had tears in their eyes as Marylene ripped away her wings and rushed into the arms of the person that had now become her world.

When Josh, the character played by Jingyu, asked, "Why Marylene? Why? How? How could you give up a whole world for someone as insignificant as me?"

And Marylene replied, "Because you are the one who picked me up when I had nothing. And don't you remember, I promised you that we'd be together forever. Even if fairies came down from the sky to take me."

Everyone was full on crying, including Josh and Marylene, as he said with a chuckle, "I never imagined you meant that this literally." and the curtains closed on that beautiful love for the last time.