What had happened?

Instead, she could actually see Jingyu push whatever had happened with the boy out of his mind and shake his head a little bit. He then plastered a smile on his face and kissed the side of Xuan's head, mumbling, "You know I love you in yellow, and think that you look absolutely breath-taking in this gown. But this has got to be a little uncomfortable isn't it? Even for the belle of the ball?"

Seeing as he did not want to talk about it, Ying Xuan did not push the topic. She plastered an expression of discomfort on her face and signed, 'You have no idea how much?!?!? I feel like I can barely breathe in this thing.' Her plan worked as Jingyu laughed and let her out of his embrace.

"I left some clothes for you in the bathroom." he said, gently pushing Xuan towards the said room.

Ying Xuan nodded with a smile and planted a soft kiss on Jingyu's cheek, which she could still easily reach, being in her heels and headed towards the bathroom. Her smile faded as she caught a glimpse of Wei Jingyu looking at the photograph with a lonely expression on his face.

Xuan continued to wonder what had happened with the boy as she slipped into Jingyu's t-shirt and and shorts he had left for her. The boy and Jingyu had to be very close, that much was clear from the photograph. But they weren't anymore, that was very evident from his expression just now. But if something had happened between them, why did he still have that photograph? And even if he did, why had Jingyu kept it on his table for everyone to see, if he did not want to talk about it?

Ying Xuan had thought herself into quite a muddle by the time she was done with changing her clothes and removing her make-up. She let out a tired breath and decided to let the topic go for today as a knock along with Jingyu's voice came from outside the door. "Haven't fallen asleep in there. Right Xuan?" he said. Xuan chuckled and opened the door.

'You have no idea how much time it takes to remove so many layers of make-up.' she signed coming out. Wei Jingyu chuckled as he followed Xuan as she sat on the barely used dressing table and began to pull out the various pins in her hair.

"I for one think that you don't even need one layer of make-up. You're so pretty as it is." he said, standing behind Xuan and looking at her in the mirror and began to help her free her hair. Ying Xuan's only reply was to roll her eyes as she also looked at him in the mirror. "What?!?" Jingyu exclaimed, "I mean it! And you know that!! I've told you countless times that I think you're prettier without make-up on."

Xuan chuckled and signed, 'I think it's safe to say that your opinion might be a little biased. I am your girlfriend after all.' "Oh! Finally decided to make us official then?" Wei Jingyu said raising an eyebrow, as a lopsided smirk appeared on his lips. Ying Xuan almost swooned upon seeing that smirk. "Damn! Why does he have to be so gorgeous!" she thought to herself.