But even she couldn't fight back a smile as she signed, 'Might as well. The whole college anyway believes we've been dating for months.' "If it were up to me, we would have been." Jingyu mumbled with a pout and Ying Xuan laughed at his cuteness.
They continued this way, Wei Jingyu chatting while removing pins from Xuan's hair and then brushing and untangling it, while Xuan used her hands to talk to Jingyu.
Once he was done, Ying Xuan stood up and pulled her hair into a bun. 'What?' she asked, seeing Jingyu pouting. "I like it open." he mumbled softly. Xuan couldn't help but laugh as she pulled her hair free and let it fall down on her back. 'Happy?' she signed. "Very." he replied, smiling and nodding like the lovesick boyfriend he was.
Xuan shook her head with a smile as the two of them moved to Jingyu's bed. Xuan snuggled as she wrapped herself in the blanket while Wei Jingyu opened his laptop. "Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked. Ying Xuan shrugged and signed, 'Better put on something we've already watched. I think I might fall asleep.' Jingyu nodded and put on one of their favorite sit-coms. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you back to your dorm, if you're so tired?" Wei Jingyu asked, placing the laptop on the bed and grabbing his water-bottle.
Xuan let out a yawn and signed, 'It's fine. I texted Weiwei I probably won't be back tonight. And the warden has stopped taking attendance anyway. But your roommate will be uncomfortable, won't he?'
"He's gone clubbing with his friends. I received an invitation text." Jingyu said, climbing into bed and wrapping his arms around Xuan. "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on his." he said. 'It's fine.' Xuan signed, 'Your bed is big enough for the both of us.' She blushed the next instant as Jingyu's arms wrapped tighter around her and he whispered, "What are you suggesting the bed is big enough for, Miss Ying?" 'You know what? Now that I think about it, I think it will be better if you take his bed.' Xuan signed with narrowed eyes.
Wei Jingyu immediately pouted upon hearing this and hurriedly said, "No no. I was only kidding, kidding. The both of us can easily cuddle in this one bed. Right?" Jingyu knew Ying Xuan didn't have any problem sharing the bed when her body relaxed against him and she focused on the laptop. He heaved a huge sigh of relief. He wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to cuddle with Xuan now.
"Say, Xuan?" Wei Jingyu spoke after a few minutes, and Ying Xuan, who was already dozing off with her head on his chest, slightly fluttered her eyes to indicate that she was listening. Jingyu continued, "I never got to ask, why did you choose to make us wear couples' dresses from the eighteenth century?"
Seeing that Xuan gave no reply for a few seconds, he added, "It's not that I did not like them. I was just wondering . . . . why did you get the idea?" Ying Xuan signed, 'I . . . . I actually wanted to do something like Belle's ballgown. Belle? From Beauty and the Beast?' she added upon seeing the confused look Jingyu gave her.