Yellow looks really good on you

Xuan had no idea upto this day what had been going on in his mind, and wasn't really sure if she wanted to know.

Anyways, once Jingyu had pulled himself out of whatever thoughts he was in, he had walked over to Xuan's table. Once he reached there, instead of sitting down, he had looked around and walked away. Yes!! He had walked away! Ying Xuan had been confused out of her senses then, but every time she thought about it now, she found it rather funny.

Leaving her dumbfounded, Wei Jingyu returned after a few minutes, carrying some prescribed readings on painting. He looked like a robot without emotions as he sat down and began to flip through the book.

Ying Xuan: " . . . . ."

Wei Jingyu had looked up a few moments later to find Ying Xuan still staring at him with a confused expression. 'What???' she had signed. He had begun to understand basic sign language at that point. "It'sjustyou . . . . . umm . . . . " he shut his mouth when the words had come out all jumbled and Xuan had let out a silent laugh. "Forget it." he had said, wanting nothing more than to forget the whole incident.

But Ying Xuan had insisted on knowing what he had been about to say, and Jingyu, never able to deny her anything, had mumbled, "You look really pretty today." They had been joined by Su Shaoyan at that moment, and it had been one of the rare times that Wei Jingyu had been happy to see him.

Supposing the topic closed, Jingyu had gone back to his book. But apparently Xuan was still curious.

Ying Xuan: "Why are you acting so weird?" she had written this on a slip of paper and slid it over to him while Shaoyan was looking away.

Wei Jingyu: "It's nothing." he wrote and slid the paper back.

The rest of the conversation had taken place in the form of passing notes. Xuan was pretty sure Shaoyan had noticed them doing this, but he had pretended not to see.

Ying Xuan: "Did all those borrowed brain cells finally run out?"

Wei Jingyu: " . . . "

Xuan: "Did you forget to charge your vocabulary compartment this morning?"

Jingyu: "Shut up! Let me study?"

Xuan: "The sun must definitely have risen in the west today!! Mr. Wei Jingyu wants to study!"

Xuan: "Seriously though, what's wrong?"

Xuan: "Come on."

Xuan: "Wei Jingyu!?!?!"

Jingyu: "Nothing's wrong."

Xuan: "Why are you acting all broody all of a sudden then?"

Jingyu: "It's just, yellow looks really good on you."

Wei Jingyu had been so embarrassed writing out the last line that he had hurriedly scrawled it. The handwriting was barely legible, but it had tugged at something in Xuan's heart. No one had noticed, but Xuan had blushed upon reading it and had quietly folded up the paper.

Jingyu had told her countless times since then that yellow complimented her skin beautifully, but nothing compared to that first time, when he had had no idea how to say it.

Ying Xuan giggled as she remembered it, she still had the paper even now. It was inside her sketchbook in the top drawer of her study table.

Xuan's giggle attracted Jingyus' attention towards her, who raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking?" he asked, nudging her head with his nose.