So far gone

Ying Xuan signed, as another giggle escaped her lips, 'About how cute my boyfriend is.'

Wei Jingyu shook his head and tried to frown, but it was replaced by a smile as he went back to watching the movie. Jingyu had once hated being called cute. It worked out completely with the fact that no one really thought him cute. Scary? Yes. Handsome? Yes. Hot? Definitely yes. But cute? He would have punched anyone who dared call him cute in the face.

Jingyu had even tried to talk Xuan out of calling him cute. He was not cute, for one thing. And he had absolutely no idea in what weird way his girlfriend found him so. And he also thought cuteness was a girls' trait. But Ying Xuan apparently found him too cute to stop.

And after a point, Jingyu had also given up. He didn't mind being called cute, because Xuan's face took on the most adorable expression whenever she called him cute.

"I am so far gone." Jingyu thought with a smile as he snuggled closer to Ying Xuan.

The next morning . . .

Wei Jingyu frowned upon hearing something. What was it? Was someone knocking somewhere? He wondered. Jingyu decided to drop it and go back to sleeping and he would have done so, but the knocking soon turned into full on banging.

"Oh for f*ck's sake!!" Jingyu exclaimed as he opened his eyes. And as soon as he did, all his anger vanished into thin air. In front of his eyes, he saw the most beautiful face to ever exist.

Ying Xuan lay with her head snuggled into the pillow. Her lips were slightly parted and hair in a complete disarray as she breathed deeply. Wei Jingyu chuckled as Xuan moved and a strand of her hair caught on her lips. She shook her head a little and frowned, disturbed by the strand, but didn't wake up.

Jingyu had had no idea that Ying Xuan was such a heavy sleeper. He hadn't really ever seen her sleeping. Sure, they had video chatted in the night, but Xuan always hung up before falling asleep. And he had never called her in the morning, mostly because he saw her during the morning run, and partly because he himself wasn't much of a morning person. Hence, his grumpiness.

Wei Jingyu wrapped an arm around Xuan as he tucked away the loose strand with the other hand. Her lips puckered a little but she didn't wake up. Jingyu giggled as Xuan snuggled closer into his arms and fell right back into a deep sleep. He would have done the same, but the reason he had woken up suddenly presented itself.

The banging on the door of his room started once again, this time accompanied by some kicking. Jingyu let out a string of curses as he climbed out of the bed and walked towards the door. He could head Mo Kio and Feng Shui shouting from the other side. Apparently his roommate had thought they would be able to wake him up.

Wei Jingyu pulled the door open with all his might. His face darkened considerably when Feng Shui, who had not expected it, continued to knock, and his fist missed Jingyu's face by a couple of inches.