[VII] Planned Attack

Walter decided to stick to his plan of waiting until it becomes dark before they attack.

Since they have already found the base of their enemy, they wouldn't need to light torches at night anymore to look for it, which will make their strategy much easier to accomplish. So while their enemy has their advantage in their number, they have the advantage in information and position.

The enemy doesn't know they will get attack yet, so their guards are low. And once Walter and his group attacks, it will definitely startle them, giving them a very little chance to compose themselves for defense and will make them anxious that they don't know any information about them yet.

Walter's chance of success is definitely high, but it would be much higher if the night comes. So for now, they would wait.

As they do, he and his group continues to observe their enemy.

The woods is one of the best hiding places for bandits - they really just can't let themselves be seen by the guards and normal passengers on an open field like the road; hiding in places where there would be less chance of them being found out is the best choice.

Bandits are people too who knows how to perform tactics no matter how dumb they are, which in this case, they might be a little - for as Walter can see, they don't even have their guards up despite them just robbing a wagon full of slaves which would definitely be hunted down again by the city once reported. But still, hiding is a consideration, maybe they are really just confident that they can fend off anybody who would be sent to deal with them, especially with how big their number is.

Walter couldn't even count them all completely as some are still hiding in their tents that are surrounding the single wagon of slaves, probably still resting.

[ Ainz... Walter-sama, how long should we wait? Should we now go to our positions? ] Zel asks.

From 'Ainzach-sama' to 'Walter-sama', Walter decided that it would be much easier if they will call him by his first name, especially of how he knows that this would not be the first time they would be working together.

And Zel, like anybody else, seems to be still not used to it as they still stutter, but if it takes long enough of getting used, he's sure that he would be able to call him by it naturally.

[ Hmm... Now seems to be a good time to get into positions... Fine, tell your group and Gerald's to do so. ] looking above the gap of the tall trees where the sky is at, Walter spoke, deciding that the night is already about to come.

And just as what he told, he had already cut their group in three, with him, Zel, and Gerald as the leaders.

Zel will command his fellow guards, Gerald for the mercenaries, and Walter will have the leftovers, which consist of one guard and two mercenaries. He's confident that he doesn't really need any backups with him, but he wants to cooperate like any normal leader to his team, and he's also expecting that by doing this, they will have a more close bond as a team.

[ Zel, tell the others to be careful, deal with the guards first then our team will initiate the main attack. Once we attack, make sure you pincer the enemies so that no one will escape. ]

[ Of course, we won't disappoint. ] as he nodded in confirmation, he went to Gerald to tell what he told him, and to it, Gerald also nodded.


[ Good... it's already dark... ] Kira, Gerald's partner spoke as they went to their position. With their new leader's group serving as both the bait and the main force, they will give their support by making sure none would escape - they will pincer the enemies from the sides together with Zel's group, the leader of the guards.

The mercenaries, they were a bit surprised when they heard that an Ainzach has come to Citrine which serves as their main base, as their boss, Arthur - lives there. And what came more of a shock when they have heard that this said Ainzach will be the one to command them on their new mission, one of the legendary knight families which they can only idolize from the sidelines.

They heard that he fought Arthur's children by himself and survive unmatched. As mercenaries that serve Arthur for quite a time now, they have experienced sparring with his sons, and every time they do, they will always end up losing. So when they heard he had defeated two of them so easily, they immediately realize that he really was the real deal.

They are more than happy to be under him.

And now, they were not disappointed by his talent of being a leader. Gerald is the leader of this mercenary group himself, and though he has been their leader for already quite some time, he was still not confident enough to give them commands without hesitation, which Walter does so easily.

And it's not just because he was confident, but because he was sure that his plans will work. There's always a huge difference between a person who gives commands without thinking of the consequences and a person who thinks first before he gives them - which in this case is Walter.

Gerald is sure he could trust him, especially of how he was a student of the great tactician Arthur Brunhild himself. And he could see that is the very case.

[ Gerald... we just need to deal with the runaways, right? ]

[ For now, but when the battle gets heated, we will make sure to participate and help. I'm sure Zel-san and his group will do the same thing too. It's Walter-sama himself that said that we should pincer the enemies, so I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. ]

[ Good... It's not really every day that you see an Ainzach... He's quite young but he sure is talented... I'll make sure that I'll leave a good impression of our team to him. ]

[ Isn't that why we participate in spying the enemy's base in the first place... Look, because of that, he already assigned me as a leader even though he doesn't know that I am the leader in the first place. ]

[ Well, I won't lie, but you sure also does have the charisma of a leader, the same for Zel-san, I'm sure Walter-sama can see that, that's why he had appointed you. ]

[ He's really that great of an observer, huh? If he really is, then I'm sure we've already left a good impression of us to him. ]

[ I'm also sure that is the case. ] Kira replies as she finally shifted her eyes away from her partner. Looking then at their enemy who has their backs on them.

They have successfully surrounded them without them noticing, and now, as the night is finally arriving, they can finally perform their task.

[ Kira, you're the thief, you know what to do. ]

[ Of course. ] nodding, she took out a small pouch.

[ Sleeping powder? ]

[ "Capture them if possible", is what Walter-sama has said; we'll do this the best way possible. ]


[ So... What is your plan, Zel? ] asks a guard behind Zel, who is already on his own spot, focused, waiting for their chance to perform their roles.

[ You guys... ] listening, he shakes his head in disappointment on his companion.

[ Walter-sama had already told us what to do, right? We just need to wait here for any who will try to escape. ]

[ Eh? Didn't he also tell us to deal with unsuspecting bandits if possible? Aren't we going to do anything like that? ]

[ Tsk! ] as a response, he only clicks his tongue.

[ Zel...? ]

[ I want to do it too, you know...? Look at that fool. ] saying so, he pointed at one of the bandits that are guarding their base, only... he seems to be sleeping and doesn't really have his guard up whatsoever. It would be easy to take him out and capture him but...

[ We can't risk them noticing us... One mistake and we'll surely fail Walter-sama. ]

[ Ahh... I get what you mean... ] the guard replies as he cast his head down, knowing what Zel meant - that they won't be able to do anything.

The guards - they are just not confident enough that they will be able to capture their enemies stealthily, and even if they can, they won't take the risk. Once an enemy shouted when they try to capture him, they will immediately be spotted by the others, and that is the worst mistake they could possibly do.

[ We'll only attack once they panic and when Walter-sama and his group already revealed themselves. That way, we won't disrupt the plan. ]

[ You're right... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked... ]

[ It's fine... Though... I don't really like the idea of these mercenaries having to perform more than us... I'm sure they have an idea of how to easily capture them... Tsk, these damn mercenaries...! ] Zel groans in displeasure, realizing that they would be outshined by the more experienced mercenaries.

[ Anyhow... we need not to disappoint Walter-sama... Especially when he put so much pressure on me as to even appoint me as your leader. ]

[ Well... That's because you've already worked with him before, right? ]

[ Ahh... That's right... But... That's right. Anyway, we'll stick to the plan... And if possible, we'll help Walter-sama's group once we finish dealing with the escapees. ]