[VII] Perfect Execution

It was already night and the sun is nowhere to be found in the sky anymore, only the two moons and the many stars that paint it full.

The enemy, the bandits had already started to put out campfires without the knowledge that many eyes are already lurking at them behind the tall trees of the woods.

Though their eyes lit up like beasts in the shadows, they were unseen to the unsuspecting bandits as if they were invisible.

And like wolves, they attacked quietly yet furiously. They were only noticed by the enemies when shouts have already echoed through the dark woods, blending with the sound of mysterious howls of wolves from an unknown part of the same area.

The leader, still with the smell of women clinging on his muscular body immediately went out of his tent to see what's going on, only to see that his members are already in a panic, running wild and gathering their weapons, preparing to fend off the unknown enemies.

Bumping into one of them, he of course angrily asked what is going on -

[ We are being attacked, boss! They just suddenly came out of nowhere! We don't even know how many there are and who are they! ] the nervous underling replies with sweat forming on his forehead as his boss latches his fist onto his collar.

[ Tsk! How did this happen!? Didn't I sent some guys to guard!? ]

[ I-I don't know...! Those guys... I think they've already been captured! ]

[ Captured? ]

[ They're not killing anyone boss! They just knocking them out with poisons and blunt weapons! They're insane! ] to his word, the boss furrowed his brows.

[ Not killing? What the hell...? ] as he questions, his eyes went to the sword his underling is hugging for dear life.

[ Give me that! ]

Forcefully taking his weapon, he threw him off on the ground as if he was nothing, which if his strength equals to the size of his body, he would easily be able to do, which it is.

Amidst the panic, he went to gather his own gear, hiding his torso where his bulging muscles houses.

And with a rather small sword he took from his own member, he strolls their base to look for the enemies, in which he fails completely when suddenly, everything just went away, leaving only the tents and the wagon that is still quite far away from him.

Looking back and forth, to all the sides; his front and back, he wasn't able to see anything. The noisy crowd of shouts of panic suddenly disappear too as if they were only a hallucination that tricked his seemingly empty head.

But it can't be just hallucinations as all of his underlings are now nowhere to be found, even the other one he just bumps with earlier is completely missing.

[ What is going on...? ] though there was no one, he still asked in confusion.

What is happening? The question went on his head a few times as he continues to observe the area. He can see there are tracks leading outside the forest, but when they reach the edges of the woods, where the light of their bonfires do not reach, those tracks disappear, it's as if the woods have taken everyone away without notice.

[ Those weaklings... Don't tell me they've been taken away already... ] he whispers to himself as circles his head around on the dark woods.

And though as if silence broke, he felt the wind suddenly increases from his side and when he turns to it - what he saw was an arrow flying towards him with great speed.

The arrow was clearly undodgeable as its speed was swift. Noticing it is something to be complimented already, but what he did was out of everyone's expectation - with the speed that doesn't resemble the size of his body, he easily caught the arrow with his hand, barely reaching its target which is his thick dark skin.

[ Paralyzing arrow... ] smelling the tip of the arrow he caught within his bare hand, he whispers in displeasure, but soon, that expression turns into a smile and became a small ridiculing laugh.

[ Unbelievable... I see how you were able to get my men so easily! Those weaklings will surely fall from something like this. But not me! This won't even be enough to pierce my skin! ] with his shout, he trashed the arrow on the floor into pieces.

And when he felt the shadow from the tree in front of him, where the arrow came moves, he immediately threw his small sword towards it, expecting to hit someone.

[ Argh! ] and just as he wished for, it surely hit somebody.

[ Tsk... Bastard, sneaking around on me. ] with a mocking face, he murmurs.

Surely, now that he was able to hit someone, he will go on for the kill, but that is not what he did, rather, he turns to the other directions and continues to only focus on his surroundings. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't just a fool who would go on to the territory of an unknown enemy.

[ Whoever you are or whatever you are! I challenge you! I'm sure someone is in charge of these fucking assholes! Show yourself or I'll snap all of your weak underlings' skulls one by one! ] taking a blunt club from the ground, he again shouted.

But instead of getting his challenge accepted, what he received instead were more arrows which he easily brushed off with his nail-filled club. The arrows were obviously laced with poison that will paralyze him, evident to the liquid that drips from their tips.

[ Cowards... ] the word escapes his mouth unintentionally. He wasn't expecting that he would get a response from the enemy, but just when he thought that was the case...

[ Hmm... You're quite strong, aren't you? ]

[ Hmph... Finally, someone... ]

[ I'm the person in charge of this attack... I hear you're calling for me. ]

From the shadows, a figure appears - it was Walter himself. Still wearing his light gear, he confronts the boss himself. But instead of getting the treatment he deserves, he instead got the opposite.

[ A kid? What is a kid doing in this place? ] observing his enemy, the boss can't help but feel both perplex and mocked at the same time.

[ As I said, I'm the one at fault why your underlings are now missing, aren't you at least going to show fear? ]

[ Ah! As if I would fear a kid! Those fools are just weak that's why you're able to defeat them! ] with his usual manner, he mocks him, though - this attitude of him suddenly changed when he observes Walter more, even raising a brow as he does.

[ Though... For a kid to be able to deal with them is still surprising... rather... I feel you're quite interesting... that wonderful face and that blonde hair... I can see that you're a boy but I wonder how you would feel if I put you to bed. ]

[ That is... very disturbing... I wouldn't want that to happen... I quite like girls of other species, but I will never get attracted to a literal monster with a dick and a face that would give me nightmares. So... how about this: you surrender and I'll let you to at least live the rest of your life in prison where you can hit on men with the same species as you? ] keeping his cool, he made his deal, but he was easily brushed off by the enemy who just turns his body away to the side, showing that he won't need to have his guard on him.

[ So you are the type that doesn't like it at first, huh? ] with a laugh, the boss again spoke.

[ Then... Since you showed yourself... I'm sure you have accepted my challenge. You have no right to give me choices, I will pick my own, and my deal would be... Yes... I will make sure not to kill you, then, I would test you out after I deal with your weaklings! What a perfect plan! ] looking at the night sky with a twisted expression, he shouts as if he just figured out the best thing he had ever thought of his entire life. Everyone who will see his figure will definitely cower in fear of this monster-like of a human being, but that was not the case for Walter.

[ I see... I gave you the choice to give up and surrender... but... I guess we will have one casualty. And here I was trying to complete this task without killing anyone. ] muttering the last phrase, Walter took out his sword, so does his enemy who is also already prepared.