[VII] Iron Skin

[ Good, Walter-sama had already taken care of most of them... We just need to tie these fools up and all there would be left is to clear up the area. ] Gerald spoke to the person beside him, Zel - who he had met in the middle of their task to take care of the unsuspecting and any of those who try to leave.

[ I'm surprised you knocked out so many yourself, Zel... ] looking at the bandits that Zel and his team had already tied up, he couldn't get but feel surprised by how many he was able to trap.

Unlike Gerald's group who used various methods to knock down the enemies, Zel had only used blunt weapons to knock them all out unconscious. It's surprising how precise the power they have used to do so, considering that all of these bandits are still breathing and none are dead from their strategy, and though their captives are bleeding from their foreheads, none of them seems to be in a dangerous state that they will die.

The only downside of their strategy was that they're noisy - they weren't really just able to make their victims quiet in the process, unlike Gerald's and his group as they were silent like snakes that captured their enemies in a flash without them even noticing.

[ Well, I did my best... And you too, just as what I had expected, you've done better than us. ]

Taking Gerald's words as compliments, Zel replies back with words that complement his work too, awhile scratching the back of his head.

[ That's to be expected since we got our own methods... But in your case, it was really surprising... You must've got some experience yourself, isn't it? ]

[ No, this is actually the first time... I'm just a normal city guard and there isn't really that much to do when you have that kind of job. ]

[ Is that so? But... I can tell - that you have talent. ]

To his word, Zel turned stunned for a while.

This is actually the very first time he had a proper conversation with Gerald. Though they were both under Arthur, they have different jobs so this is only the chance that they were made team together. They don't know each other's personalities, and the only time they talked to each other for the past few hours within this same day was when they're passing commands from Walter.

Zel was expecting that Gerald would be the same archetype as of any mercenaries there are, aggressive and hostile - but that wasn't the case for him. In fact, he now sees that he was the type that he could easily get along with.

[ Thank you very much, Gerald-san. ]

[ I'm only stating the facts. Anyway, let's wrap this up and help the others, there are still some left... and I don't want to leave my partner alone there, it makes me a little anxious. ] as he pulls the rope that ties up all the bandits they captured so far on a large tree, he faces Zel and said.

[ There might still be time to see the leader doing some but of action, you know? ]

[ Umm... That's right... Walter-sama... I heard he is really strong, this might be the only time we could see that for ourselves. ] muttering so, he was reminiscent of Walter's figure -

His casual demeanor is something that he only sees on him. And though he seems to be always off guard, his posture is always straight like a true warrior. He could only imagine what would happen if he attacks him in his back - just who would survive? He... or Walter? Though it was only a question that doesn't have a definite answer, his bet would be on the stronger and more talented one.

[ Yes, it would be nice if we could see Walter-sama showing us how really strong he is just like in the rumors... We should see... that's more reason we should hurry, right? ]

[ Un... ]



Like thunder that struck down from the sky, the blunt weapon of the enemy fell on the ground - missing it hit but was enough to be able to create a wave of shock that threw Walter away from his previous position.

( That's... I thought it was magic at first but...)

That cannot be possible. He cannot trace the use of mana that surrounds the body of a magic-user once he uses a spell. Except, all that he can see was the enemy's thick muscles with overflowing veins carry his weapon with much force that no normal human being could pull off - even Walter himself won't be able to strike down a blunt weapon enough to dig a hole into the ground.

( Pure strength... Even knight captains won't be able to pull something like that off... )

As his mind pushes to that thought, it unconsciously searched for people who have the strength that could rival this foe. But from all the enemies he had fought in a real fight, there was no one.

There are two that he can count, but this is a life and death situation, unlike when he does it with those two: his father and mother. Those two beasts that trained him to death when he was just a child can probably pull off something like this easily - but from as far as he can remember, he had never won a single fight against them, which makes him feel a bit anxious about this fight.

[ Take this! ]

It was only mere seconds that his head was disturbed by his thoughts, but those few seconds were enough to make his enemy catch up to him to smite down his club on him again.



Taking out his weapon, he blocks the club. But just when he just realized that it was a bad idea, his feet were already buried on the ground as the enemy's strength was just too much for the soil itself to handle.

Gritting his teeth, he clenches both of his hands on the hilt of his sword, heavy enough to push back the enemy's club. And just as what he intended to do, he was so pushed back by Walter's own strength. And adding more force, he slashes that enemy's weapon in half, passing through it and hitting his face, leaving him to bleed out as a deep wound was formed on his cheek.

[ Ba... Ba-Bastard! ] he shouted in pain. And in his anger, he needed to strike back.

But having his weapon cut, he was left with no choice but to use his bare fist.

Seeing a part of Walter with no guard, he decided to attack it. Luckily, Walter was not nimble enough to block or dodge it as both of his hands are still busy holding the hilt of his sword.

[ Ach...! ] Walter groaned in pain as his iron-like fist hit his abdomen at full power, throwing him back again far from a distance.

It was the very first time he had been hit in a very long time directly, and unlike all the attacks he had received so far, that one definitely has the intention to kill him.

His enemy is not human anymore, but as fate would have it, so is he.

He stood up again to face his enemy and immediately fixes his posture, wiping then away all the dirt that had gotten on his clothes. And feeling a wet substance slides down from his mouth, he wipes it off too, only to see his fist which he used have been covered in red, of blood.

[ Ohho~ That's the very first time someone actually survived from one of my punches... And this... ] walking towards Walter, he touches the blood pouring out from the huge cut on his face as he continues to rumble.

[ This cut... A sword sharp enough to penetrate my skin... What fearful opponent you are. ] his feet move continuously, but just before he reaches Walter...

[ Walter-sama! ]

Zel arrives from the woods and looked at the scene with panicking eyes. And immediately, seeing the messed up state of Walter made him wary of the enemy and made him draw his sword almost instantly.

Although the enemy seems to be much more injured than Walter, with his face bleeding and all, he just can't help but see their difference in their physical appearance - with Walter looking like a child in front of the monster-like enemy.

[ I'll help, Walter-sama! ] he shouted as he rushes to the enemy with his sword. But as his weapon reaches the arm of the enemy it was supposed to cut, it became stationary and unmoving, leaving not even a dent on his skin.

[ Thi-This is!? ] his eyes widened as he felt his sword shook as if it hit a material much harder than it was.

[ Hmph! Weakling. ] with a swing of his arm, he completely knocks Zel off far, knocking him unconscious as he fell on the ground.

Zel only has average abilities as a soldier, but he's far from weak, but despite that, it only felt as if he was a bug compared to the strength of the enemy.

[ !!! ] making sure he would be dead, the enemy took his own weapon that fell off the ground with him to strike him down with, but before he could even step another foot, he felt someone else's arms lock his neck.

[ Another one!? ]

[ So you're the one who injured my partner, huh? You bastard, I'll make sure you pay for it! ] like Zel, Gerald came out of nowhere, only to attack the enemy without second thoughts. But unlike Zel, Gerald has his techniques and strategies.

Taking out a knife laced with paralyzing effect, he slides it down on the enemy's neck, having the intentions to kill him off instantly - but instead of getting his neck slashed out for the kill, the knife only felt as if its blade was the dullest in the world.

[ Tsk! Trying to get me from behind? Another coward! ] he shouted as he brushes Gerald off on his shoulder to strike him down once he reaches the ground. But Zel has fast instincts, so before he receives his sword directly, he was able to immediately escape.

[ Wha-what is this monster! Wait... It couldn't be... Guro the bandit...? ]

[ Guro the bandit? ] Walter, who had already recovered repeated the name in confusion.

[ Walter-sama... this is one dangerous enemy... He's the most wanted bandit living near this city...! ] with twitching eyes, Gerald clenches his teeth and spoke.

[ So that explains it, huh? ] Walter murmurs.

[ Gerald, tend to Zel first, and I'll continue dealing with this person myself. ]

[ Hu-Huh? Walter-sama, that person is dangerous! No matter how strong you are - ] shifting his gaze to Walter, he shouted, but before he could finish his sentence.

[ Don't worry, one mistake doesn't mean my defeat. This would be much easier from now on. ] saying so, his sword suddenly coats in electricity.