[VII] Sharp Static

Recovered, Walter rushes towards his enemy. His speed is completely different from what it was earlier, and so does is his weapon, which is now coated in bluish electricity that goes everywhere.

[ Magic!? So you're a magic-user? ] preparing himself for Walter's impact - the enemy, Guro the bandit raises the sword he took from Zel, ready to block his attack.

( Tsk! He's much faster now! ) Guro couldn't help but realize the problems as his eyes continue to follow the speeding figure of Walter who's about to reach his person in no time.

But he is an experienced fighter, it's not just his eyes that will work to help him in this fight, he could rely on his instinct too. And so he does -

He blocks Walter's sword just in time with his own. But just as he said earlier about his sword, it was sharp, sharp enough to pierce his skin that is harder than the blade of his own weapon. That's why what he did was the wrong choice, and he immediately realizes this as he saw a smile form on Walter's face that seems to be saying that he had won.

And finally, when their swords cross against each other, both a thunderous bang and screeching sounds echoed. Then, before Guro knew it, his sword was already crushed into pieces and Walter's sword had already cut the left part of his shoulder, splattering heavy blood on his clothes and on the ground.

[ Argh!!! ] groaning in pain, he looks Walter in the eyes and made a twisted expression of both hate and killing intent.

Feeling the pain of shocking electricity burning off the wounded part of his shoulder, he ought to cover it up with his hand. Fortunately enough, it was not deep enough to be considered as lethal, but the pain coming from it is at least twice the pain he felt from the cut on his forehead, adding the fact that it was burnt off by the electricity on Walter's weapon.

[ You've done it now...! I will definitely kill you! ]

[ If you surrender now, I might still give you a chance... or at least give you painless death if you wish so... But if you want to continue, I still have some tricks to bring you the worst possible pain you can imagine. ] leaping back away from his enemy, Walter spoke.

He still has the usual calm expression on his face and the same attitude that he gives to anyone, and despite what the enemy is, he is still giving him a chance - being the neutral person he is.

Guro on the other hand - has seemed to already lose all his cool and is slowly turning into the monster he is: with his muscles almost about to break his clothes, the grip on the hilt of his broken sword about to explode, and his eyes turning blood red in anger and hatred. It was like he was about to go on a rampage.

[ Do you think I will surrender? I've killed the last person who told me that and hostage his companions! Sold the males and made the females my personal toys! The same I will do ones I defeat you. ]

His words were threatening, it was scary and terrifying, but Walter was unaffected by it and is still rather calm - completely different than Gerald and a few others that had already arrive at the scene.

[ Walter-sama! Some are already here! We can help! Just give us the command! ] sensing danger, Gerald, who is still on the side fixing Zel shouted.

Although he believes Walter could win - seeing what he did to cut Guro down and all, he still thinks that Walter needs help, especially now that Guro is turning into a literal monster. His worry towards Walter and the fear towards their enemy is showing clearly on his face, and the only thing that is worth commending him for is the fact that he still hadn't run away from the scene.

[ You've seen what happened to Zel; there's nothing you can do about this enemy, you've done quite enough and I'll deal with this last hurdle myself. ]

Including what had happened to Zel in his words, Gerald couldn't agree more. It was just a swing of his arm and Zel was already defeated, unconscious. Even if he was better than Zel, he won't be able to do anything about Guro, who he had already tried to cut down and fail.

[ Don't worry, I'll end this quick. I thought I should give him a chance and make him an ordinary prisoner... But I guess I can't do that, not with a deranged man like him. ] with a smirk, he fixes his stance and said.

[ Everyone! Everything has been a success so far! We'll celebrate ones we go back to the city, I'm sure Arthur-san has a lot to reward us with! ] he shouted to the crowd that is watching, hesitating if they should give him a hand or not. But to his statement, their anxious minds have cleared up a little.

[ Guro-san, you've made your choice... Now, I'll write off my name as the person who had killed you. ]

[ There is no way I would be defeated, you're just ants living in the city! I've been challenged much harder experiences than you could barely imagine! I will kill you... then I will deal with these weakling watching us... And I will make sure to hunt down every last one of your kin! Tell me your name so I could do so! ]

[ It would be a waste since you will be dead in a minute. ]

[ You... You dare disrespect me for the last time! ] with the last shout, he went straight for Walter. His large and heavy body quakes the earth, it as if he was a giant, no, just as what he had been called all this time, a monster.

Without a weapon on hold, he used again his fist - his fist that could destroy everything it hits, using them to relentlessly pursuit Walter who has his guard up and as nimble as ever.

All of his punches are missing and Walter isn't even raising his sword up yet. Taking it as an insult, Guro's head turns redder in anger. His speed on his own is fast, but Walter is much faster, more than ever when they first cross weapons.

Deciding he won't be able to hit him normally, he grabs the most nearby boulder that was planted on the ground with both of his hands and carries it to throw at Walter. The boulder was no less larger than him, but it was definitely much larger and heavier than any person present in the fight. It can probably crush anyone it hits.

( He can also do that, huh? I should probably need to finish this already before it turns even more serious. ) with that thought, he raises his coated sword and slashed down the boulder into huge chunks, hitting everything that is on his side except for himself.

[ Grr... ] for the monster he is, Guro groaned in anger, staring at him with red, dreadful eyes. And just now, he finally seemed to have realized just how dangerous Walter is. Everything that he has received from him this far - he considered them as his luck and just by chance, but it seems that was not the case at all.

Hitting him and missing them all both angered and leveled him down. Walter is an enemy he shouldn't be saying he would kill without any proof that he really can, but that was all because he didn't expect how he would turn out.

And at that moment, as he let his guard down, it was Walter's turn to come to him. And Guro's eyes widened when he saw Walter's figure becoming larger each second his confidence was being shredded.

He needed to retreat. He has no weapon and has no chance of even hitting him.

His eyes surveyed the area as he waits for the sword to attack him, and saw that everything is quiet. Including his captured underlings, every person that was present, they all seemed to have realized who was the winner is.

And Gerald himself, who had thought that Walter has a big risk fighting Guro himself has taken back his thoughts. Just as in the stories he heard, Walter really was strong and he was just holding back all this time, perhaps even right now - as he slowly but surely cuts Guro's skin without getting deep enough, making sure that he would feel pain.

[ Th-This is!!! Enough! It hurts! ]

There was nothing he could shield himself with from Walter's slashes, all was that he could do was to try and hit back, but all fail - as every time his arms lose guard for a chance to strike back, they all goes back wounded by the heating blade of Walter.

And turning his eyes again, his mind finally goes to the direction of wanting to escape. But he was already surrounded.

All the shadows that were hiding earlier behind the dark trees are now there, watching him as he miserably tries to look for an escape awhile being continuously injured by Walter.

He was not just being tortured, he was being humiliated.

Right now, he just wants to go back to either of those times when Walter had given him the chance to give up, to surrender...

Because right now, all that he could see from Walter's figure was death itself.