[II] The Guild

Sitting upfront of Walter was Gerald and his partner, Kira.

Just as the last time he had seen the two of them, they are still wearing their usual mercenary gears, light for nimble movements - while on their arms wraps the symbol of the mercenaries, a red sword swang on a metallic-looking shield.

On Walter's side, standing is Alice and Ayla, obviously getting caught on the glimpses of their master's company and a few coming from the other spectators from the tables beside their master's.

Walter doesn't really like the idea of the two of them just standing beside him, watching, while he continues to comfortably chat with Gerald and Kira - they are on a date so it was more than odd to let the two of them just stand on the sidelines, but it's the custom that servants should do it and Alice and Ayla know it themselves and are both more than aware and devoted enough to do what they are supposed to.

For now, Walter did his best to cast away his focus on them to face the two people currently in front of him, he really cannot do anything about it if Alice and Ayla are both aware of what they're doing.

[ Well, I definitely didn't expect I would see you in this place, Walter-sama... That is... for a person like you to come to this place... ] being the one to invite Walter to his seat, Gerald was the first to speak, eyes glaze with obvious confusion.

[ I might be noble, but I'm still a normal person, Gerald... Umu, you can think of it at best that - I'm just a noble's kid doing whatever he wants while he still can. ] it was the best analogy he could think of.

Gerald seemed to have understood his point and nodded, two fingers pinching his chin, he turns a quick glimpse on Walter's two companions.

[ Are they your servants? ]

[ Yes, they're my only servants after leaving my family at the capital. ]

[ Only the two of them? Walter-sama, since you're a noble, and both an Ainzach and a direct vassal of Arthur-sama... I thought for sure you... would have more... ] suddenly realizing that he might be stepping a little out of the line, getting too familiar with his questions, his tone suddenly softened and his voice, muffled - with Walter barely hearing what his last phrase was.

Gerald is an honest and observant person. He would immediately see any odd indications of a person, the same works with the way he fights, and being an honest person, his urge to question people to know the truth is always high. The reason why he suddenly hesitates was simple, he just thought that the question might've had offended Walter - since he knows how he usually treats his servants, though he hasn't seen it himself, base on what Arthur had told them: he always treats them with care, "You shouldn't talk anything bad about them while he is around."

[ There might only be two of them, but for now, they're both enough as it is. ] Walter answered to the waiting Gerald.

Working with him for quite some time, Walter was able to realize many things about Gerald, he knows he's just curious, and knowing that he's just being his usual self, answering his questions wasn't really a bother as his answers are also not something to hide. But unexpected to the reaction he was expecting Gerald to have, he was only quiet but serious as he replies -

[ Usually, nobles will spend most of their money hiring servants to protect their wealth and to show how much they have without really treating them kindly... but it seems that isn't really the case for you... You're not greedy; on our last mission, you've even shared some of your rewards from Arthur-sama to us. You're also not at least hurtful; I can obviously see that... I guess you really are different from any nobles I've met so far, Walter-sama... I'm glad I was able to serve under you. ] with a bow he gave his honest thoughts, and Walter couldn't be more surprised to it, he just wasn't expecting him to show his gratitude in this place, especially how he had transitioned it from mentioning his own servants first.

And just as what he thinks how it went, the final signal for Gerald to speak him his respect was the fact that he had seen himself now how Walter just really treats his servants. Just from a glimpse of the two women standing behind him, he could easily see that he treats them not as mere slaves, like how nobles usually treat them, but as companions.

( I really wasn't expecting him to say that... but, I guess... it must be his honest personality... ) looking for words to reply to Gerald, Walter thought, only responding when he was finally able to think of something.

[ I think you're exaggerating too much, Gerald; I'm really not that great... ]

[ I agree with him too, Walter-sama. ] having heard him try to be humble and refuse Gerald's claims, his partner suddenly went into the conversation too and give her own opinion with an excited nod, Alice and Ayla also made a slight nod similar to hers.

[ Re-Really...? Well, if you really insist... ] trying his best to resist the urge of scratching his cheek from the awkwardness he's feeling, he stuttered his reply.

Though he might be used to Alice's compliments and those who see his talents, he's not really accustomed to compliments that revere him as a great person, not just with his talents, knowledge, and bloodline, but his personality. Even when it's Alice who says that he's kind and a 'wonderful person', he will still not have the proper response.

[ Eh-hem... anyway... let's leave it at that... ] faking a cough, Walter decided to finally stop the current flow of the conversation, and Gerald seemed to have realized that.

[ Ahh... I'm sorry... I got ahead of myself... I just wanted to express it and I just can't help myself, I'm really just grateful to meet and work with such a great person... But, right... this should be about some kind of business and not about that, then... Walter-sama... I'm sorry if I asked late, but... you came here to - ? ] finally cutting off the current topic onto a new one, Gerald said, and finally, Walter was again able to feel his comfort.

[ No, it's not really a big deal, I just accidentally stumble myself in this guild and I thought I should check it out. Though... there's something I like to ask you. ]

[ Anything. ]

[ Un, I've been thinking about it for a while, and I thought maybe I should register myself as an adventurer; what do you think? ]

[ An Ainzach, as an adventurer... If my information is correct, most of the young Ainzach's has started off as Adventurers before they become full-fledged knights... ]

[ Yes, they would be my older siblings... I just thought that maybe I should also follow the path they took. ]

[ Really? That's a great idea... Seeing just what you're capable of, I would say that you could easily register - no, in fact, I'm sure you could easily reach the gold rank in no time... ] seemingly muttering to himself, Gerald was pushed into deep thoughts.

[ It hasn't been a year since I become a mercenary but I've always been an adventurer for a long time, and base on my experience, Walter-sama, you're capable of becoming a very renowned adventurer. ] with anticipation and excitement, he claims. And the truth was, he limited the content of his words to something Walter would accept - if Walter just wouldn't get bothered, he would say to his face that he could become the greatest, not just someone named 'renown'.

And though what he received as a reply was to be expected, he was still quite disappointed.

[ I don't really want to go to that direction, I already have enough fame as it is... I think I will only become an adventurer as a side-job. ] Walter just brushes Gerald's thoughts off with a slight wave of his hands, and at first, being fazed by his answer, Gerald pauses for a few seconds and composed himself again before he opens his mouth again.

[ I see... I should've expected that... It would be a waste... but... yes... registering as an adventurer, it would be easy for you. If you want now, we can accompany you; that way, it will become even easier. ]

[ Walter-sama, Gerald and I are both gold-plated adventurers - if you register with our recommendations, it would be a lot easier. ] Kira added.

( Recommendations...? I haven't heard anything like that before... So registering as an adventurer... I guess I should also think of it as a job application... ) Walter thought, still focused on listening to the other two.

[ There would be a few tests, but even 10-year-olds can past it so I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for you... And if you want, you can also take the advanced route, the examination would be much harder, but if you finish without problems, you'll immediately be promoted to the silver rank and you'll start off having a higher rank than most of the adventurers here. ]

[ Is that so? Without doing anything, I would be promoted to silver? ] Walter murmurs to himself, thinking -

( If that's the case, then it would be much easier... I would be able to take much harder tasks with a higher rank... ) he thought, and after a nod, he finally decided -