[II] Registration

[ Thank you, Gerald - then, if you will not mind. ]

[ It would be an honor, Walter-sama... Hmm... Well, if that is the case, while we're at it, should we include your servants as well. ] standing up, Gerald answers and turns towards Alice and Ayla.

The two of them have extraordinary beauty, at least at what he could tell base on their appearance and clean faces. They are both not humans, but as expected of the different races, they have their own unique style and traits that completely contradict them from the others. But If by chance they were not clothed and polished like the way they are now, then his opinion might turn different, but regardless, whatever their looks are, the two of them are still his "boss's" servants; they matter as well.

[ That's a great idea... ] Walter murmurs - as if Gerald's question has gone through his head, his eyes shifted downward, thinking as he ponders to his question. Should he include Alice and Ayla as well? He pauses for a moment to think about it, and as soon as he got his answer, he replies to Gerald.

[ Alice already has much stuff to handle on her own, becoming an adventurer would only burden her more... ] he said in a considerate tone, then, as he continues, he shifted towards Ayla.

[ It would be a much wiser choice to include Ayla. ]

[ Ayla-san, is it? ] Gerald casually said her name as he listened to Walter's ponderings.

Unlike Alice, Gerald already met Ayla before. It was still clear on his mind the day when Walter led their group to complete a certain task, the task where Walter has introduced her to him and the others. It was just at least a weak ago when it happened, yet - the changes on her was enormous that he barely recognized her when he had met their group earlier, back at the entrance of the guild.

The information Walter had told them about her was limited, so Gerald doesn't really know anything about her except that she was a part of the bandit they've captured before - that's why the moment Walter had chosen her to become an adventurer to become his companion, he thought that maybe he took her with him because she had the skills.

[ Umm... Master... Ayla is going to become an adventurer? ] as Gerald looks at Ayla, suddenly saying her name and making her the topic of their conversation, she starts to become anxious and couldn't help but seek Walter. And trying to not make her more anxious than she already was, Gerald decided to stay quiet and let Walter handle her on his own.

[ I've decided, Ayla... You're still in your training phase, learning how to fight is necessary. ] Walter casually replies as the edge of his shirt was suddenly tugged by her, face looking up full of worry.

[ Master will come too, right? ] she asks in a voice still devoid of liveliness, but not entirely negative as worry and concern was included in her tone.

Her expression was easy to read, and Walter easily knew how he would comfort her - replying to her with a gentle pat on her head, the smile on his face, evident, clear, and careful.

[ Of course, I will... I already said it before: you're my butler so you're supposed to always be on my side. ]

[ Ahh... Un... ] seemingly stunned, she pauses for a moment before she was able to nod. And satisfied, Walter again attends to Gerald to continue.

[ Then, Gerald, Ayla had already agreed, should we proceed? ]

[ Ye-Yes...! Please, I'll lead the way. ] still baffled to the sight he just witnessed, the sight which will only be seen with genuine lovers, he couldn't help but stumble his words, trying to recover.

Another surprise as he wasn't expecting Walter would say something that he could've misinterpreted with the face men would only give to the opposite sex they are not afraid to show affection to - even he wouldn't be able to say something like that on Kira's face, no matter how honest he was.

He was still at a trance, but as soon as Walter stood up, he made sure to fix his composure to lead them.

[ I appreciate it, Gerald. ] Walter said as he follows Gerald and Kira, together with Alice and Ayla on his back.


[ For the examination, we would only test your skills, knowledge, and just how capable you are as a whole... as an adventurer, of course. It wouldn't take long, but I hope you're prepared and confident you'll be able to past them all... Umm... Walter-san, is it? ]

[ Yes. ] Walter nodded upon hearing his name.

The receptionist in front of him seemed to haven't noticed his position yet: his family that is revealed by the crest carved on the pommel of his sword, and it also doesn't seem the others have as well, maybe because the crest was already old enough to not be able to recognize. He hated the old grip of his sword the moment he received it from Arthur, but at least now, it took him away some bother he hated much more.

[ Walter-san, if you are being recommended by Gerald-san and Kira-san, I'm sure you will pass, but in Ayla-san's case... ]

[ Don't worry, she'll register as an adventurer normally. ] Gerald said, casual, familiar with the receptionist handling them.

[ Is that so? I was a bit surprised since I thought she'll also register in the advanced route, but I guess one is already enough for a day. ]

[ Walter-sama's case is special, you can get your hopes up on him. ]

[ You didn't need to say that much, Gerald... ] Walter hesitatingly responded, knowing full himself that he will need to voice it if he wants to stop Gerald from speaking highly of him and making the receptionist and the others that caught wind of their conversation, listening from the sidelines to take high expectations of him. He's already gathering enough attention from Alice and Ayla, so he really doesn't want to get any much more.

[ If Gerald-san says so... Then, I will expect something of a different level. ] with a smile, the receptionist teased.

[ The examination room it is, please come. ]