[III] Battle of Wits

As their hands both grasp the hilt of their swords, Walter and Guro prepare for the fight they're both confident they would win. Time hasn't moved much yet but for the two of them, hours seemed to have passed already. As they stare at each other's eyes, their predatorial instincts took form in their pupils and both of them did not show any signs that they will become the prey any time soon.

What they are lacking now was the signal: who would start the fight? Who will raise his sword first to try and smite the other?

That question was soon answered when Guro stepped his foot in a casual yet terrifying manner. With a body like his, one move in a serious moment like this would make anyone cower in fear, but for a person who already fought someone with a much scarier appearance, Walter was still able to remain calm.

The boss of the bandit group he subjugated just about a week ago has the same aura as the person in front of him; he thinks that maybe that's why he was so confident of himself, but regardless, he was not the type to show his emotion in a fight, even if he was afraid, he will remain of steady composure.

Soon, Guro arrived in front of him, not raising his sword but only staring, the case was the same for Walter. Both of them are on each other's range of attack but the stare-down was intense - both of them knew that the first to show caution or fear will become the loser, that was why they hold their swords back and relax their tight grips.

[ Hoho~ You're free to hit me, why are you not raising your sword? ] with a mocking smile, it was Guro who first spoke the words of intimidation.

[ I can say the same thing to you; you could probably able to squash me with that gigantic sword if you wanted to. ]

[ Hahaha! As if my pride would let me do that! I can't beat up a child who's so coward he can't move, that will ruin my image... Look here, lad... Like I said earlier, you'll be able to pass if you hit me once or twice... This is your chance; isn't it tempting? ]

[ You're right, it is tempting, so tempting in fact, I can't help but feel suspicious. ] again, Walter responded, but as he kept being adamant, Guro finally frowned in displeasure.

[ I don't rely on cheap tricks. ]

[ I wouldn't know. ] not moving a muscle, Walter replies, and with it, Guro finally had enough. Discontented, his frown grew deeper, obvious that he's furious.

[ Umu... I just can't get inside that thick skull of yours... No choice, then? My sword will do the work. ] stepping a foot back, Guro resumes the tight grip on his sword, and so does Walter.

And with a final heavy breath of air, a single sword was finally raised into the air, with the speed equivalent to a blink of an eye, it prepares to strike down its foe. And with one last clashing bang, it crosses with the other existing blade in the room.

After a moment, the sight of Walter and Guro changed to the image of two fighters fighting with brute strength - with Walter holding his sword above his head to stop the heavy sword of Guro, which has at least thrice the size of his own, and with Guro, Bulging his muscles up to push his sword more.

But, though the sword he's blocking was heavy and painful, Walter showed a smile that he never did before.

[ Fufu... ] with a laugh, he stares again at his enemy who didn't hold back at all. Behind his horizontal sword that blocks his vision, he saw Guro forming a serious gaze that no one would think he would make at the start of the battle.

Walter was able to get through him and was able to break the mocking smile he was forming since earlier. He won the first round, though it doesn't count, it was a win and Guro was also able to recognize that.

His plan of making Walter do the shameless act of hitting his unguarded state failed, forcing him to do it seemed impossible and he felt irritated as it always worked before.

For the first part of his test, Walter passed, and he's pissed about it. Right now, he doesn't know what to do, all that he could think of was to hit Walter and immediately pin him on the ground, put him into submission.

[ You're seriously a tough one, lad... I never expected such determination and guts coming from such a fragile-looking boy, you surprise me...! ] with another swing of his sword, he shouted those words like a mad man, doing his best to prevent himself from laughing maniacally.

Of course, such a big sword was not easy to dodge, but for Walter, all he needed to do was to leap back his feet and he will be able to dodge it. Compared to any other enemies he fought before, Guro's speed would be in the middle: fast, but not very. It was easy to see that he focuses more on power than speed, and Walter could easily take advantage of it, or at least he thinks he could.

[ Never before I've seen someone who did not even blink an eye when I scare him off... Walter-san, is it? This would be a very satisfying battle. Yes, satisfying... but not for you. ] still opening and closing his mouth, he continues to go towards Walter without really adding any kind of effort to hit him, all he does was repeatedly swing his weapon, hoping he would be able to land a hit.

[ After all that talk, this is all this guy can do? ] Walter murmurs to himself as he continues to dodge.

He won't lie that his first hit was strong, but that was all there is to it. It would be an immediate win for him if he won't be able to hit him once more.

[ Is running all you can do? ]

[ Tsk! ] with Guro's mockery, Walter clicked his tongue, knowing he could do more if he wanted to. The feeling of being looked down is finally getting through him after all this time.

( Someone so weak mocking me... it feels terrible... I want to shut him up. )

Not feeling he would be able to take any more of his non-sensical attacks, Walter decided to finally counter his attacks.

And as he saw Guro throw another swing at him, he immediately moved to dodge it while still coming at him. Thinking that blocking off his sword would be unreasonable, he decided that it would be best to go straight ahead.

( Why? Why this feel so easy? Something's not right... ) he thought as he continues.

Just as he said, everything felt so easy: Guro felts so weak and his attacks felt as if they were thrown by some amateur. And right now, after a few dodges, all he needs to do is to point the tip of his sword an inch away from his neck and he would win.

Not even a minute has passed, yet it would finally be over.

A few seconds felt so slow as his thoughts wander off.

( Something's definitely off... ) estimating it would be over with one last blink, he decided to stare at the face of his enemy for one last time, and on it - what he saw shocked him internally - as on Guro's face written was his own defeat.