[III] Challenge

Breathing heavily, Walter quietly stare at his enemy. He wasn't exhausted, but his uneasy state made him want to inhale oxygen, as it made his heart pound abnormally and made his brain recover from the shock he felt from his certain defeat.

[ Too bad... That was my only chance and you were able to get away... ]

Afar Walter was Guro, staring with his chin raised up, looking down at him. His face was painted with disappointment and his words were filled with mockery.

[ I thought you said you don't rely on cheap tricks? ] reminding him of with he said earlier, Walter complained. He can still clearly remember all the things he said before the fight, one of which, he said that he doesn't rely on tricks.

Walter thought that he would be honest, but he wasn't at all.

[ Yes, I admit it, it was a cheat... But I don't like to call it that, rather, I want you to call it as one of my many strategies to win a fight. Falling to it... It's also your fault. ] casually, Guro replies.

( Tsk... it seems he's more dangerous than I thought... To be able to trick me is something, but to be able to almost defeat me with it... ) Walter's brows were knitted in anger as he thinks of what happened.

He won't deny that Guro was right about it being his fault. Walter always gauges the strength of the enemies he fights, the same as what he did with Guro. But it seemed like Guro was able to transform that approach to become something that he will be able to use against him.

By faking his own strength, he was able to trick Walter to come and invade him recklessly, thinking he would win if he will be able to close the gap. But in the end, he just gave Guro what he needed: to close their distance for him to be able to hit him as he comes at him with full speed.

[ If I was able to hit you then, this fight would be over without me taking a single hit, if that happened, you'll fail. You should've taken my offer last time. ] back to his usual manner, he relaxes his sword onto his shoulder and laughs.

[ It won't happen again. ] like Guro, Walter also decided to calm himself down, replying as he fixes his breathing and composure.

[ Hehe~ I admit, you have the skills. Seeing how you fight, I can easily tell you're at least a decent fighter; you could easily pass this if you wanted to. ] starting to move towards him again, Guro continues.

[ But your luck ran out when it was decided that I was the one to test you... Even if you're strong, smart, or both... You won't be able to pass if you will not be able to overcome this challenge... My challenge... Let's start again, show me what you've got, Walter! ] Not wanting to let Walter rest, Guro came at him again, throwing his sword with much force as it had earlier, only now, it was much faster and flexible.

[ Tsk! ] clicking his tongue, Watler immediately dodges, but Guro's speed cannot be compared to what he had earlier anymore, he is now much faster than he's ever been. All that he could do was to invade each of his attacks, exhausting himself as the barrage came endless at him.

But it seemed that dodging and running away won't get him anymore, so he tried to change plans and come at him again as soon as he sees an opportunity.

Timing his strike right after Guro slashes, he moves, perfectly executing the plan he just came up with. But...

[ You think I won't be able to see through that? ] so casually, as if the huge chunk of metal he was holding was light as a feather, Guro brought his sword back to block the strike that was about to hit the back of his neck. And with another thunderous sound, their swords cross paths again.

[ Just how!? ] Walter exclaimed as he backed away, failing miserably for the last time.

[ Be careful, Walter-san, you might hit me for real, y'know? Well, if you can. ] Guro mocks.

For the first time in a while, Walter was faced again with a challenge.

Right now, he can't seem to think of something that will be able to defeat the enemy in front of him.

He can use his magic, but in a fight where his enemy will not be able to answer with his own magic, it would feel to him as if he cheated.

If by chance that this fight was a life or death situation, then he will have no chance but to use it, but in a challenge like this, he really just can't do it. There's a reason why it's called a 'challenge', and Walter thinks that it's because he needs to overcome it fairly.

It's an examination he will need to figure for himself. If he was not able to figure it out, then he is defeated, but if he was able to, then he was able to prove himself, and probably, learn and grow. He really just can't miss that opportunity.

[ Hmm...? What are you laughing at? ]

[ No... It's... It's just been a long time since I felt this feeling of struggle and stress again... ]

[ Ohho~? When was this 'last time'? ]

[ Probably when my parents beat me up... I admit, too... like what I experience with those two, this fight is hard. ] reminiscing of the past, Walter relaxes his muscles and takes some deep breaths, taking the opportunity to regain the energy he spent trying to dodge and figure out a way to defeat his opponent.

[ Is that so? Then your parents must be strong, huh? Perhaps I've already heard of em'? If I also had a son, he would have the same age as you. ]

[ The two of them are quite famous, so you probably already have. ]

Making it his final reply, Walter clunches his sword again.

[ Let's continue. ]

[ Right... that's enough talk and let's get this over. ]


The room was filled with the echoing sound of two heavy metals crossing with each other. Each wave of sonics pierces the ears of both the fighters and the spectators, forcing them to blink with each bang of their swords.

[ I...I don't know what's happening anymore... ] the receptionist murmurs as he witnesses the fight that is currently occurring in front of him.

These two fighters... he had never seen someone fight the way they do. The unending exchange of strikes, the endurance they both have to withstand the impact of their swords - which probably has enough force to shatter a boulder; and the strength of their arms that never tire to rise up again to attack and defend seemed out of his knowledge. It is easily the best fight he has ever witnessed throughout his lifetime of working in the guild.

[ This... They really both are incredible... I've never seen someone survive Guro-san this long before... He was previously the best adventurer we have in this guild... if he hadn't retired, then he probably already reached the highest rank, yet... Walter-sama is holding him off... The two of them are equals... ] it was Gerald who expressed his amazement for every spectator to hear. Saying whatever in his mind, he made everyone who was able to hear him nod, including those who just arrived from the entrance, unknown faces who had probably heard the noise of the fight and decided to come to see this 'examination' for themselves.

[ Th-This... Gerald, just who is this random guy you brought here...? 'Walter-sama', is it? That guy is incredibly strong... ]

[ I never thought someone will be able to withstand Guro-san... They're both monsters... ]

[ Amazing... We should invite that guy in our party! ]

Chatterings came all over the place and all the spectators have already started to make their own noises. Cheerings started to fill the room, and bets start to become their topic. Who are they rooting for? Guro, or the 'random guy'? The spectators were split in half as they make their bets.

[ I did not expect this to be like this, Gerald... I think Walter-sama would not like all this attention... ] standing beside Gerald was his partner, Kira, speaking as her face was covered in worry.

[ I... I should have thought of this more... ] he replies in a very quiet, worried voice. After, he decided to look at Walter's two companions, curious to see their expressions. Do they have the same or not?

The two of them are quiet, but all emotions were written on their faces. Amazement, pride, worry, and affection, he can't really tell which but he knows they are on their master's side. It must've felt good for them to see this side of their master.

Staring at them, Gerald smiled. He really was correct with what he thought Walter was, like this two, he feels that working for a person like him was especially rewarding.

Seeing him fight, struggling like a normal person was also something he could relate to, he could feel that they are far away compared to each other, but still close as a person. And right now, for his own satisfaction, and maybe also for these two, all he wants for him is to win.


[ I see... So the old man is finally feeling old, huh? ] suddenly, as he watches quietly, Gerald's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

[ I'm sure he's just playing with him... You don't need to think much about it. ]

[ Yes... But this much... ]

What he saw there made his pupils grow larger in surprise.

Why are they here? - The question immediately entered his head as he looks at them.

[ Yo, Gerald, it's been a long time, isn't it? ] of course, as someone who is familiar with them, he was the first to get their attention. And with a quiet gulp, he hesitates to reply.

[ Yes... It's been a long time. ]

Not a single adventurer in Citrine doesn't know their name. The strongest and highest-ranking party in Citrine's guild... Came to witness the fight.