[III] Jester

[ Haa ~ ] heaving for heavy air, Walter took his stance.

He did not expect that the fight will end up taking this long. He always trains his stamina and endurance for fights that would take him long to accomplish, but because of the intensity of the blows both he and his enemy are exchanging, his body just couldn't help but reach its limit of exhaustion.

Though, it's not like he's the only one who was in this desperate state. His opponent is the same as him, if not, then even worst.

Accumulating buckets of sweat, Guro shows his still youthful metabolism. Despite being one of the oldest adventurers there is, his body composition is much greater than any average person, even the tough body of Walter would compare. But that doesn't mean that he won't get tired from the battle he is currently participating in. Even he is desperate for oxygen that will refuel his tired lungs.

[ Walter... You really are something... ]

[ I'll say the same thing to you. ] taking the time to rest, both of them took part in an unnecessary talk of compliments.

[ Fighting you this long is enough for me to be able to pass, right? To say honestly, I'm already at my limit. ]

[ I'm already at my limit too. For someone to be able to reach this far fighting me... I'm equal to a knight's captain, if you can take me on this far, then you're also already at their level too. I can't believe it... For a young lad to be able to get so powerful... ]

[ So, do I pass? ]

[ Hmph! I take pride in myself, what I said is what I said. Unless you won't be able to hit me, then you will not be able to pass. ] still being persistent, he closes the case. Immediately after, he took his defensive stance. His stance is not really that complicated, in fact, it's just a normal one, but with it, Walter just couldn't get near him.

( It's that same stance again... ) the displeasure showed evident in Walter's face as he sees the enemy prepare himself again. But that isn't enough for him to lose composure nor confidence.

Like Guro, he won't let himself be defeated. He has already gone through many trials, and this one is just the same. All he needs to do is to go over it like an obstacle he needed to past to be able to grow.

[ I guess I have no other choice... ]

[ Hmm? What is that? Don't tell me you have something in mind? ] with a concerned and uneasy look on his face, Guro tightens the grip on his sword more.

[ This will be our last bout, Guro-san. ] slowly moving his feet towards his target, Walter signals the start of the next round, or in his words, the final round.

His confidence was a bit concerning to Guro, but instead of being afraid and feeling threatened, he only focuses his senses more to be able to apprehend any attacks that Walter will launch at him.

[ You said this would be the last... Then, Walter, come at me and prove it! ]

( I know he will give his all with whatever he's planning to do... If he fails, then this would finally over. ) with that thought, Guro gazed his eyes into Walter's figure. He would never let him escape his sight and he will make sure that he will fail.

He doesn't really hate him, but because he has his pride as a warrior and an adventurer, he wouldn't let himself be defeated. And even if Walter's prowess is already enough for him to pass, he will still not allow it as long as he's the examiner.

Anyhow, if he fails, he will then just force him to join the guild in the normal way. Like him, he would need to start from the bottom.

He will be needed for the guild. Such talent wouldn't be wasted, and if he will be given the chance, then he too will join the guild again and form a party with him. He will train him the ways and polish his talent even more from the very start.

That is his plan. If he fails, then he will not be able to convince Walter to learn from him since he will be proven to be stronger than he is. That is why - he will not lose this fight.

[ Bring it, lad! ] with one last shout of encouragement, Walter's strut towards him became faster and it turns in a swift.

[ Hmph! Don't tell me that you're planning to still face me head-on, despite those wasted attacks, you're still thinking you'll be able to get through? ] with a laugh, he watches Walter dash towards him.

( It seems he's already too desperate to win... That is never a good thing, and he will understand it once he fails. No worries, if that will be the case, then I will be the one to teach you, Walter. )

The focus on his eyes is enough to make it seem Walter was only running towards him with normal speed when in reality, he was faster than he ever was.

'He must've decided to give his all for this one strike of his sword' - that is what Guro is thinking.

Using his speed and the power of his thrust to perform the most powerful attack, it's the most basic and most effective textbook form of a final strike.

Planning to receive it, he lowered his sword just above his waist. With one parry, it will finally be over.

[ !!! ]

But that act proved to be a fatal mistake.

( What!? )

All in slow motion, the figure of Walter suddenly disappeared and was replaced by the tip of his sword. With just a meter away, it proceeds to travel towards his head, ready to plunge itself into the depths of his skull.

( How did he do it!? I-Is he planning to kill me!! )

He was so focused on anticipating the attack Walter would perform that his expectation for anything else disappeared. Just what is his enemy thinking? He really would turn out dead if he will not be able to block it, but most importantly, what was he thinking when he lowered his sword like that? He already forgot as his brain and body instinctively reacted to block the sword that is flying towards him.

With all he got, he brings his sword up again to block it. With only a few inches away, it would seem to be impossible to be parried anymore, but he isn't called as one of the strongest for nothing - and as should be expected, he was able to parry it, sending it flying to the air above him.

But parrying it doesn't mean anything when his enemy is still away from his sight.

Where is he?

Immediately and obviously, Guro stares in front again, Walter should still be there. But...

No, he wasn't there anymore.

Looking left and right, he searched for him. If he will not be able to see him immediately, then he wouldn't know what he is planning to do. Suddenly, his calm composure was nowhere to be found as he desperately searched for his enemy...

However, before he could see him again, a familiar sound of a sword getting held tight by an experienced hand entered his ears from behind. Before he knew it...

[ !!! ]

[ It's my win. ] with his sword pointing at the back of Guro, Walter declared his victory. And to it, Guro shivers. It's already certain that it was his loss, he was tricked and outsmarted.

[ You... Winning like that... It isn't fair... ]

[ Who are you to tell me that? If my enemy uses cheap tricks to duel me, then isn't it also fine for me to do the same? ]