[III] Admiration

( Tsk! No matter what I do... I can't get past his guard...! ) Walter gritted his teeth as he ponders about the realization of just how tough the defense of his enemy is. He already tried everything he can do, but all of them weren't enough to pass the barrier of the enemy which is his giant sword. As long as he won't be able to get over that, then his victory would be unccertain.

( If I can just somehow lower his guard or get his attention somewhere else... )

Getting his enemy to lower their guards isn't really a difficult thing for him, but because this fight is one vs one and the only weapon he can use is his trusty sword, it was hard, if not impossible for him to try and do it. Furthermore, Guro isn't just an ordinary fighter you would find anywhere else, no, he is one of the best the guild can offer. He is not just strong but also experienced. And, what makes him more dangerous is his ability to manipulate the mind of his enemy. With one wrong move, they will be caught in his traps.

[ Doing something unexpected to defeat the enemy... ] the words escaped his mouth. Dwelling over the skills of his enemy, he smiles as he grasps something.

( It's not my way of fighting... But I can definitely use it... )

[ I guess I have no other choice. ]

He wasn't able to think of anything else until now. So, for their last bout, he finally has settled on what he would do.

[ This will be our last round, Guro. ]

Holding his sword lightly, he stood aligned to his opponent. Slowly making steps after the other, he closes the gap that separates the two of them. He makes sure that Guro would focus his intentions towards him. He makes sure that he will anticipate his attack more than necessary.

[ Bring it, lad! ] in anticipation, Guro shouted.

Not so soon, as Walter saw the serious gaze in Guro's eyes, his steps turn into a leap, then into a dash. He dashes towards him the fastest way he could.

It was his time to perform, but not in the way everyone was expecting.


Throwing his sword the strongest he could, he removes Guro's eyes on him by blocking them with it. Finally, for the very first time in their match, he was freed from the watchful eyes of his enemy.

Of course, he didn't waste any milliseconds he was given by his sword. Getting the opportunity he wanted, he continues according to his plan - despite him already reaching his limits.


Before he knew it, the sword he threw has already flown into the air. As expected, despite its speed and gap that is very close to hitting, he was able to move his sword to block it just in time.

So, after his sword flew, he kept his eyes on it.

He knows that his sword will be reflected upwards, so he was anxious about the fact that it might land in a bad position. But lucky for him, his sword was thrown towards the back of his enemy, where he placed himself at the right moment to make himself invisible for a short time when the enemy recovers. His chances of success were low, but who would have thought that luck would be on his side.

[ It's my win. ] with the sound of the grip of his sword being held fast, he declares his victory.

Like a little stunt, his execution was more than perfect.


[ It's just as you say... I lose... I just didn't think you would do something like that. ]

The fight is finally over and Walter and Guro shook each other's hands as a sign of respect for one last time. In the end, they have acknowledged both of each other as great and strong fighters.

[ You passed, Walter. ] with the cheering of the spectators as his background, Guro spoke.

[ That's what I came here for. Still, I never expected that I will fight with someone as strong as you... If I was a little bit weaker, then I wouldn't be able to pass at all. ]

[ You're right. But... I've been an examiner here in this guild for a long time. I always give consideration for some others, but you are an exception... I did not hold back at all yet I was still defeated. ]

[ I outsmarted you... That's only the reason why I won... In the end, you're still stronger than me. ] with a bitter smile, he replied.

He didn't want to admit it, but the truth is, he won't be able to penetrate his defenses fairly, he needed to think of something else. It's not really his style of fighting, but after his fight with Guro, he realized that it would still be necessary to get accustomed to it - so if he was ever put in the same situation again, he would know what to do.

[ Of course, for an experienced adventurer like me, it would be a shame if I was weaker than a frail-looking noble boy. ] again, Guro spoke with a casual smile. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, he holds onto one of Walter's shoulders and leaned towards him and whispers...

[ Thank you for holding back... If you didn't and you end it fast, then my reputation in this guild would be ruined. I know you have your magic since your a noble, but... I didn't expect you would fight fairly with a commoner like me. ]

[ ... ] without having the chance to reply, Guro stood straight up again and brushes him off with a laugh and with a few taps of his shoulder, as if he was asking to forget what he just said.

[ That was great Walter-san! I couldn't believe what I just saw! ] suddenly, as they both settled down, the receptionist came to compliment Walter with genuine amazement in his eyes. After him, Gerald and the others also came towards Walter to congratulate him.

[ Amazing, master! ] opposite to her usual shy and quiet behavior, Ayla shamelessly came at him.

[ Tha-Thank you, Ayla... ] seeing the expression on her face that he doesn't usually see, he just couldn't help but smile back.

[ As expected of Walter-sama... ]

[ I haven't seen it before, but you really are the real deal, boss! ]

[ Hmph! ]

Soon, Gerald and Kira came and voiced their opinions. But out of all of them, who caught his attention most was Alice -

With a big smug on her face, she turns and looks down at the people who were all cheering for her master.

"I was sure this is how it would turn out. I'm glad these people can see just how great Walter-sama really is." - the message was clearly written on her face and Walter can easily see through it.

( I never actually seen her be so happy and proud before... )

[ Cute... ] he couldn't help but murmur as he looks at his beloved servant.

[ Then, Walter-san... You clearly have passed! We will take care of your registration, so you can take it easy and get back tomorrow. ] again, the receptionists spoke, taking away his gaze on Alice.

[ Tomorrow, huh? ]

[ Yes, there will be some preparations needed before you can officially become an adventurer. And since you will advance up a few ranks, it will take some time. ]

( And here I thought I will immediately get my permission to take tasks... But I guess it can't be helped... ) disappointed, Walter made a quiet sigh.

[ I get it... We just need to come back again, right? ]

[ That's right... Umm... But before that, I was told that you're a nobleman... If you will register, then we will also need to get your family name. ]

( Ahh...! ) immediately, Walter hesitates to reply. He hasn't really revealed himself in the public yet, so he was a bit concern about how it would turn out. His last name is famous throughout the entirety of the kingdom, so once his name is revealed it might cause a commotion.

Thinking of how he would reply, he opens his mouth...

But before he could even say a word, someone spoke and reveals it before he could.

[ Didn't I already tell you? Walter-sama is an Ainzach. ]

Of course, it was Gerald.


[ So he's an Ainzach, huh...? As expected from the family of the strongest knights. ] at the entrance of the guild, a tamed voice resounded. Together with a group, he completes a small party.

He and his companions blend into the guild and when seen from the eyes of an outsider, they're just an ordinary party. But that was not the case at all.

Just the name of their party can shake any adventurers who hear it. They're no ordinary party, no, they are the best and strongest.

[ He-Hey! Isn't that guy amazing!? Should we invite him to our party? ] from the party, another voice came, but this time, it has a higher pitch and much more lively than the other.

The member waited for the other to reply - and with a small gap of seconds, the answer came in a hesitant tone.

[ No... That guy would be dangerous... He's too strong. ]

[ That something I wouldn't usually hear coming from you... You never use those words before... ]

[ That's right! We can also deal with Guro-san easily! You call us weaklings but just now you say that person is 'too strong'! I'm sure I can beat that guy! ]

[ Tsk... As expected of weaklings... ]

[ Eh-!? ]

[ Haven't you realized it yet...? That guy... He was not putting his all... He was holding back the entire fight... ]