WebNovelA Bad Guy13.33%

Chapter 4: I hate everyone…

A Bad Guy

Chapter 4: I hate everyone…

Ken Kai, spilled the tea over Yuji. This made Yuji so angry that he starting throwing punches at him.

Yuji: Stupid trash, cant you even serve tea properly!!!!



Yuji, was so angry that his whole face got red and he kept on hitting Ken Kai.

Ken kai was angry but what can he do, it was his mistake thus he kept on saying sorry and kept getting beaten.

Soon the chief also came to the scene and when Yuji told him that Ken kai has spilled the tea over him, the chief also get angry and took a wooden stick and started hitting him.

The old moment tried to stop the scene, but couldn't do anything and then she left the house in a hurry.

She ran and ran, until she reaches the Ken Kai's house, there she told the scene to his mother. Hearing this Chiyako's face got full of despair and she ran towards the village chief's house.

In the house, Ken kai was beaten to the point where his whole body was read and bruises were everywhere. Few layers of skin had also been tore in a few places.

Soon, Ken kai's mother came, and she saw how bad her's sons condition was. Chiyako, without thinking for a second jump towards her son and covered his whole body with her own body.

But the chief still didn't stop and kept of hitting…

Seeing that he was not getting beaten more Ken Kai opened his eyes, but to his surprise he saw his mother above him.

Ken Kai: Mother!!! Move, you are sick! Just move away!!!

Mother: *with a smile* its ok, no need to worry about me…

Seeing his mother beaten, Ken kai's eyes became numb and soon tears started coming out.

Mother: Don't worry, mama is strong… Don't worry…

Surely, ken Kai, knew she was lying, so he started crying and pleaded her to move away but she didn't listen to him.



For 5 minutes the beating continued and finally halted. But for Ken Kai, it was 5-billion years… To him every time the stick touched his mother's skin, his heart trembled and his tear kept on increasing.

He just didn't know what to do…



The beating stopped and finally his mother moved.

Chief: Chiyako, discipline you son! Just because of you I am leaving you… Now get out!!!

Mother: *while touching the chiefs shoes* thank you….

Ken kai, could clearly see the tears from his mothers eye but he didn't say anything as he was just scared...


But when his mother was moving away, the chief spit on her head, but his mother didn't retaliate…

This scene made Ken Kai's heart so much full of rage that he wanted to tear the mouth of the village chief but when he looked at the smiling face of his mother who was looking at him and trying to hold his hand he didn't do anything.

Mother: Let's go son…

Ken Kai didn't say anything but nodded.

Then they both left the place. Behind him he could hear the laughter of Yuji and village chief's curses but Ken Kai didn't look back.

On his way back there were other villagers who saw him and his mothers. Some few mens were also looking at his mother with weird gazes, as her clothes had been tored in few areas due to beating.

But his mother only smile at him and kept on holding his hand. But when the gazes of those men fall on her, she tightened the grip.

Ken kai, knew how she was felling the gazes of those men, but still he didn't say anything and didn't complain upon the pain of her tight grip.

Soon they reach the house.

Today, Ken kai, didn't earn anything, meaning there will be no food today. But still her mother was smiling.

After finding here and there they found a little bit rice, which they cooked but it was just a small bowl.

Kai Ken: Mother you eat it; I am not hungry today…

Mother: No need to lie, I am your mother so I know everything. You eat this.

Chiyako was still sick so he didn't wanted to eat the rice, but in front of his angry mother and her requests, he surrendered himself and eat the food. Though he request to half it, but she didn��t agree.

After eating food they both lie on the bed. In bed, his mother tightly held Ken Kai's hand. Though Ken Kai's whole body was in pain due to beating but he didn't retaliate and held her hand more tightly.

Next morning-

Ken kai wake up early in the morning. His body was still throbbing with pain but still he got up and did some stretching.

Ken Kai: Mother wake up, early birds always gets the grain or was it something else...hehehe

Ken kai tried to wake his mother but she didn't wake up, he thought that she wanted to sleep more, so he didn't wake her up. Her face still had a smile, but don't know why Ken Kai felt that the smile his mother is showing has sadness.

He didn't bother much and goes outside to find some water.

Ken Kai: It's really been a long time since I did some workouts but well I'll do it some other day when I get free time…

Ken kai said to him-self while moving towards the well, to get some water.

After taking the water he came back home. His mother was still sleeping. "hehehe, seems like you are really tired" Ken kai said to his sleeping mother.

Then he again goes outside in hope to find some food or at least some fruits from the tree.

"Mother I will be back!" with that Ken Kai left.

His mother still didn't reply as she was still sleeping and still had that sad smile…