I'll get my revenge

It was a cold night, pitch black and eerily silent. The road was empty, not a person was seen. The sky was cloudy and even the street lights were flickering every now and then, giving it a creepy feeling. Anybody would have been scared of the spine chilling atmosphere. It was like living in the graveyard, not a sound or not a person in the vicinity. But not for her.

In the freezing night, a woman walked on the street carrying a whiskey bottle in hand. She was wearing a white, sleeveless, casual dress and her hair was let loose, some stubborn strands falling directly on her face. She stumbled a little as she struggled to walk on the cream heeled sandals she was wearing. She groaned. Taking a gig gulp of whiskey from the bottle, she bent down and took off her sandals. Tossing them to the side without any care for them, she snorted. She hated them anyway, they were a big pain in the ass.

After staring into space for a few seconds, she continued to walk barefoot on the streets. She did not shiver when the wind blew nor was she scared of the dark. All along she had a sinister smile on the face. Anybody who looked at her at that moment would be mesmerized by the beauty. She looked like a fallen angel, completely helpless and utterly beautiful. However, only she knew how she was feeling within.

She took another gulp from the bottle, but it was already empty. She frowned. She shook the bottle trying to see if there was some more left. But not a drop fell from it.

'Did I drink all of these?'

She sighed and the next moment, she threw the bottle to the ground heavily. It crashed and broke into pieces. She looked at the shattered fragments and smiled. Her heart was also in a similar condition, broken and shattered. A tear fell from her eyes. She started to cry loudly, her wails echoing through the silent road. The next moment, she started to laugh like a maniac.

She slowly dragged her body, her mind not knowing where she was going. She was drunk, everything looked blurred and her mind and body were not cooperating. She swayed unable to keep up her balance, but the next moment she steadied herself. She was tired and hopeless. She just wanted to find a place and lay down.

The words she had heard before were reeling in her mind and the dead bodies of her parents flashed in front of her every now and then. For years, she had been trying to find the murderers and now she had gathered a piece of news about them.

Suddenly a black sedan came out of nowhere and stopped right in front of her with a screech. The driver had pressed the breaks at the correct moment, otherwise, she would have been knocked out by it. The woman was deep in her thoughts that she had not noticed the car.

The sudden sound cleared her mind a little. She saw the black sedan and laughed hysterically. She looked like a madwoman, ready to create havoc.

"What happened?" The man sitting at the back asked the driver. He was taking a nap when the sudden halt made him to move forward with a force, breaking his sleep.

"Sir, a woman came in front of the car." The driver said calmly. He looked at the woman and cursed her silently.

'If she wanted to die, she could have chosen some other car. Why did she have to choose this car itself.'

"You come out." She knocked at the driver's window as she placed her hands on her hips. When he did not give her any face, she knocked again.

"Come out." She slurred.

"Go and take a look." The man said from the back. He was getting irritated, he just wanted to go home. However, this damn woman was not leaving him to be.

"Yes sir." The driver opened the door and got off the car. He walked to the woman and did not even look at her.

"What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"What do I want?" The woman tapped her forefinger on her chin and thought for a while.

She gazed at the driver and gave him a smile. Her eyes twinkled and her smile was as sweet as cotton candy. He looked at the woman and his heart skipped a beat. She was utterly beautiful, just how the poets would describe. She would definitely be the one the poets and artists would fight for to be their muse. The innocence and the outward beauty could make any man fall on his knees.

"I want whiskey." The woman, said after some time.

She poked his shoulders when she did not get his response which made him come out of his reverie immediately. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.


"I want whiskey." She said again, stressing on the word whiskey.

The man in the car rolled down the window and stared at the woman. He summoned the driver.

"Hurry up." He did not wait for any answer. He just flicked his hand and closed his eyes.

The driver nodded, took out a few bills from his wallet and stuffed it in her hands. The woman stared at the green notes and then looked up to see the driver. By then he had already got inside the car and had started the engine.

"You bastard."

The woman ran towards the front before he could drive away, successfully blocking him again.

"Not again." The driver cried. He knew his boss was getting impatient and if he got angry, then it would be the end of the woman. His anger knew no bounds.

"Sir, I'll handle her." The driver said, but he was interrupted.


The man got down from the car and walked to her slowly. Anybody who knew him would know that it was the sign of danger and would run away immediately. His aura was terrifying and he looked deadly. His eyes were scrunched together in rage. However, she was not anybody. She stood rooted in her grounds and stared at the man. He was handsome, no denial in that. His looks could put the gods to shame. She was currently muddle-headed, so she did not know that she was inviting her own doom. She was so engrossed in admiring his features that she didn't realize that he was stalking towards her like a hunter.

The man approached her and without saying a word, he dragged her towards the side. His grip on her was quite strong and she cried out in pain.

"Let go of me." She yelled.

The man was silent. As soon as he released her, she slapped him hard on his face. The loud noise was like a gunshot in the soundless street. The man's eyes squinted dangerously in fury, he was reaching his limit. The driver was shocked, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Never in his entire life had he seen anybody behave this reckless in front of his boss.

"I am not for sale."

The woman stuffed the money back into his hands and walked away, flicking back her hair. She did not care about the consequences of the slap nor about the person she had annoyed. She did not know that a pair of eyes were observing her every move as she walked away.

By now, she had sobered up a little. She could make out where she was. After half an hour, she reached her home. Without even changing out of her dress, she plopped on the bed. Maybe due to the exhaustion or the alcohol content in the body, she felt drowsy. She fell asleep immediately. But before falling into a deep sleep, she muttered, making a promise to herself to avenge her parents death.

"I will get my revenge."