Forgotten birthday

Twenty years back.

It was a bright sunny morning. It had rained heavily the previous night, coating the garden with the droplets of rainwater. The bright sunlight and the wet plants in the garden looked nothing less than a beautiful meadow, mesmerizing one's eyes. In the beautiful morning, a little girl was still sleeping in her room on her soft bed. She looked around five to six years of age. The bright light was prevented from entering the room by the light purple curtains, casting slight darkness in the room.

The door opened and a lady in her late thirties walked in. She smiled looking at the little girl sleeping soundly, without any care in the world. Without making much noise, she sat on the bed and swept her bangs on her forehead and kissed her.

"Wakey, wakey. Good morning, princess." She whispered. It sounded exceptionally soft and gentle, tickling one's heart. The girl rolled onto her left and sighed, yet she did not wake up. Looking at the girl's peaceful expressions, the woman sighed. She had no other option than to resort to her usual method to wake her up. The next moment, she started tickling the sleeping girl, making her shriek.

"Mom." She cried. She started to giggle, trying to avoid her mother's touch. However, her mother was persistent in waking her up. She did not let her escape from her grasp. In fact, she tickled her even more.

The little girl rolled on the bed trying to escape the sudden attack. But she couldn't and ended up laughing until tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Okay, okay. Mom, I am getting up." She said in between her laughs. Only then did her mother stop tickling her.

"Good girl, now get up. Get ready, you don't want to be late for school."

The girl reluctantly got off the bed and dragged her body to the bathroom. After half an hour, she was sitting at the dining table, dressed in her school uniform, ready for school.

Her father was sitting beside her, sipping the coffee as he read the newspaper. He knew his daughter was watching him, yet he ignored her. It was fun to tease her, she looked lovely when she was flustered.

"Dad." She started.

"Hmm." He answered without looking up.

"Daaaaaaaad." She sang to gain her father's attention.

"Hmm." This time he folded the newspaper and looked at her.

"Do you remember what date is tomorrow?"


"Dad." The girl huffed.

"Is there something important for me to remember?" He asked unsure what his daughter was talking about. His acting was spot on, his daughter didn't even realize he was faking it.

"Dad, how can you forget about..." Before she could complete, her mother interrupted her.

"Henry, there is a call for you." His wife handed him his phone which showed to be from his secretary.

"Thanks, Andy." He took the phone and excused himself. Before her daughter could start speaking, her mother too vanished from the dining hall. Angered by their behavior, the girl poked at the pancakes with her fork. She stabbed it twice as though she was stabbing a person in real before she put a small piece in her mouth.

Henry returned after a few minutes. He saw his daughter's puffed-up face and stifled a laugh. He knew what she wanted to talk about. How could he forget about her birthday? He had already made plans for the special day and was just playing ignorant in front of her.

After finishing their breakfast, the family of three drove in their car. They first dropped their daughter at her school before the couple proceeded towards the office. During the entire drive, the little girl was silent and gave her parents a cold shoulder. Looking at her walk away without even saying goodbye, Andy's heart broke.

"Henry, do we have to do this? Our child is sad."

"Andy, don't worry. This is only for today; tomorrow she will get the biggest surprise of her life." Henry assured her. He then gave her a peck and started driving towards their company, the Parker Enterprise.

Henry Parker was the owner of the Parker Empire, the second-biggest conglomerate in the country. His business venture mainly dominated the software and the technological aspects, there was none who could give him a competition in that field. It was a company which he started on his own when he was at the age of twenty and in a span of twenty years, he had gained fame, fortune, and success from all around the world. His company had its branches spread in many countries and he was a businessman who was admired by many people for his shrewd thinking.

Henry's wife, Andrea Parker too was a businesswoman. She was his childhood sweetheart and it was she who actively supported him when he first came with his business plan. If Henry was considered shrewd, then Andrea was the epitome of intelligence. Together, they complimented well with each other and their business had reached new heights.

The car stopped in front of the tall, sleek building and the couple got down. As soon as they stepped out of the car, their demeanor changed. They had switched on their business mode, gone were the caring parents who were worried about their daughter a few minutes back. Their domineering attitude immediately gained attention from their employees. They made way for them and looked at the couple in awe. They were not frightened by the two nor did they feel pressured. In fact, they looked at them with respect.

"Good morning President, Madam President." They wished as soon as they saw the pair. Although the couple did not wish them back, they did not forget to nod at them. This small gesture was enough for the employees to feel happy. Their boss was considerate and mindful of their workers' feelings.

The Parker couple walked to the private elevator and went to the fifteenth floor, where they each had a cabin. When the elevator stopped at the fifteenth floor, the couple separated.

Meanwhile, at the school, the little girl was still sulking. She couldn't believe her parents had forgotten her birthday. She was sitting on her chair and there were five minutes for the first class to start.

"Hey, Anie." She heard a voice and looked up to see her best friend licking a lollipop. The girl remained silent. It was not unusual for Melanie to stay silent, so her friend did not say anything further. She plopped on the chair beside her and took off her school bag. She then took out her pencil box and crayon box and arranged them neatly on the desk.

The teacher arrived and the class started, it was the art and crafts class. All the students were immediately involved in the class, including Melanie. It was her favorite class where the artistic Melanie would come out. So, the topic of her birthday was forgotten at once.

The day proceeded smoothly and after the school ended, Melanie's driver came to pick her up.

After a while of driving, Melanie looked at the driver.


"Yes, dear."

"Have Mom and Dad really forgotten that tomorrow is my birthday?" The girl said with a sad face and without any further delay, she started sobbing.

The old driver looked at the cute little girl crying and his heart ached. He was warned beforehand not to disclose the surprise that was being planned for her birthday. Yet, he couldn't stop himself when he saw her pitiful face.

"Stop crying, dear. Madam and Sir have not forgotten your birthday, they are preparing a surprise for you."

His words were like sweet candy for Melanie. She stopped crying at once and looked at him expectantly.


"Yes, dear. But please don't tell them I told you about it. Please." The driver pleaded.

"Sure Uncle." The girl said happily. She grinned at him playfully and the driver then realized that the little girl had tricked him. She was not crying at all, she only wanted to know what her parents were planning for her. She knew her parents would never forget her birthday.

Sitting in the back seat, Melanie smiled.

'Mamma, Papa, did not forget my birthday.' She was very happy and started looking forward to the surprise they had prepared.

What she did not know was that her birthday would change her life forever.