Blue-Haired Bastard

"Can you not joke about something like that?" Li Honglie asks, "I totally can believe you if you say it wih that tone."

"Did I smile or something? Here." I threw a folder at them to shut them up.

Li Honglie pulled it out of Yang Li's hands when he just opened it, "Let me see!" He jumped to grab it back.

"As I would like to believe you went all this way to prank us, you're not the type of person who would make a joke like this." Li Honglie shoves the folder back to Yang Li, "You're the person who adds a hint of sarcasm."

"Hey, it's not my fault that every compliment I hear I think straight to sarcasm."

"I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or pity you." Li Honglie rolled her eyes and crossed her legs, "What are you going to do now?"

"What? Do you think I'm going to find the real son of this family?" I asked.

"Probably not," Li Honglie mumbles, "You're going to be abandoned by this household if you do."

"I like what you're thinking girl, but that's exactly what I'm trying to do."

"I don't like what you're thinking." She was unable to see my point of the story and got up and left.

"I think the better reason was 'why did you bring a gun to school.'" Yang Li stole the chair after the door shuts behind Li Honglie.

I close up the laptop and rest it on the nightstand after getting a headache, "Just Chen Bai told me to bring it for emergencies since-"

"Who's Chen Bai?"

I forgot to explain it to him, "Chen Bai was Zhen Liyue's secretary. As I was saying, 'since my head almost got blown off again.'"

Li Honglie walks in with a plate of fruits, "By 'blown off,' you meant 'bang' right?" she puts down the plate on my laptop. As she points at me with her index finger while raising her thumb, a loud bang came from outside.

I got up from the bed and slide the window up, "Kill people more quietly!" I hissed as I slam the window back down.

"Sorry, sir!" I heard a muffled yell from the outside. I look at Yang Li's face, he's slightly pale.

Li Honglie picks up a slice of apple, "I wasn't here yesterday, I was at Yang Li's place with Alex." Then she puts it in her mouth as nothing happened.

"It's get's quite annoying when this happens once a day." I lay back down, "If I didn't agree with what that old hag said then this won't even happen."

"What did you agree?" Yang Li asks while being pushed off the chair by Li Honglie like the pushover he is.

"Take care of her company for a week."

"So you're the heir now?" Li Honglie looks shocked, "Doesn't that also mean you going to own a part of a military in the future?"

"They're reserve soldiers. If I don't have any blood relationship with Xie Lijiu or Zhao Yeyu, then I can't be the heir of that old hag. There aren't going to be any more attempts of assassination since there are no gains if you kill a normal citizen." I explained.

"But, didn't they just hear everything?" Yang Li suddenly starts to lower his voice.

"One of the rules I made before both sides agree is 'don't interrupt my private life.' Don't worry, I also took the computer and the phone apart to look for any listening devices, there's none." I was expecting some kind of relief on their faces, but Li Honglie is looking at me like I'm the weird one.

"Unrelated question," Yang Li raised his voice back to normal, "when did 'that' happen yesterday?" He points at the window.

"Somewhere around two or three in the morning, then I got five phone calls about what they should do with the guy who tried to kill me."

"Lack of sleep- no wonder you recklessly fired a bullet." Li Honglie sighed like she had no idea what to do with me, but she isn't the one who heard a handful of gunshot noises in the past week, so why is she complaining?

Then, there are vibrations coming from the top drawer of the nightstand. I slide the top drawer and took out the second phone next to another pistol, it was that blue-haired bastard from the hospital.

"May I help you?" I asked while shushing the two pale faces in my room like they've seen a ghost.

"Mister William-"

"Just Will is fine, don't have to be formal." I corrected him, trying to make this easier for myself to remember.

"Ah- would you like to go to the movies with Xiao Yie and me?" Leng Mo asked.

"Xiao Yie is the girl from yesterday right?" I asked. Why is he asking me? Can't he ask someone else?

"Sure, it depends on the time." It seemed rude to reject him, especially when I'm already suspicious enough yesterday.

"How does Friday afternoon sound?"

"Sorry, I have to work past time that day." The real reason is that I had a session for some stupid reality show.

"How about Saturday morning?"

"Sounds good." I replied, then he soon hanged up. I feel like I'm going to get kidnapped because of how suspicious this sounds. Then he sends the time and the address, I check it real quick, it's at an outside mall.

Yang Li and Li Honglie stared at me for a long time, "Who was that?" Yang Li asks.

"Leng Mo."

"W-wait! That Leng Mo? The one who has been on the front cover of many popular magazine companies right-"

"Stop, get your fangirl attitude out of my room." I shut her up before she causes any more ruckus.

"I'm guessing it's a popular singer or actor of some kind from Lili's reaction, but when did you have any contact with him?" Yang Li stole Li Honglie's chair when she starts to jump around in excitement.

"Yesterday, I grabbed the fake ID with me to do the DNA test again to make sure." I feel like my headache is getting worse.

"What do you mean again? You already did this once?" Li Honglie stops jumping, "When? I never knew this."

"I don't know, guess I forgot."

"Wow, he is now more sleep-deprived than a two-faced sadist." Li Honglie whispered to Yang Li like I don't have ears.

"You really need sleep." Yang Li mumbles, he starts to push Li Honglie out the door, "Get some rest, we can talk about this another time." Then he slowly shuts the door.