Competent Job Force

The history of the Volcan Empire was a curious one without a doubt. The first inhabitants were losers that had been chased into infertile northern lands. Many of them perished but some adjusted.

These separate families split apart and made themselves at homes in different parts of the frozen wasteland. Splitting apart seemed like an asinine decision when at threat of freezing but human ingenuity knew no bounds. 

The first inhabitants kept themselves warm by making use of the large volcano in the center of the northern lands. The tall mountain that oversaw even the forested greenery of the Bosque kingdom and the windy prairies of the Galeburst Dynasty. Of course, it was also a source of both jealousy and greed. 

These losers had to live with pent up jealousy and rage at being cast out of what they felt was their rightful land. Ultimately these thoughts didn't birth a war between the countries, the real killer was greed.