Boulders of Wisdom

With peace of mind, Ed hurried over to the now-familiar barracks. He crossed the nursing hall and the desolate prison until eventually reaching a metal door. Now that he was more accustomed to the area traversing the complicated complex had become a breeze.

He opened up the door and finally reentered the lab. He found that nothing had changed since his last glance around.

'I guess Sharog and the others didn't need anything from here' Ed thought before glancing towards a certain dingy wooden desk. It was the one he had procured last time to block the hatch.

He quickly moved it out of the way and then opened up the hatch. The pitch-black bottomless hole came into Ed's sight. Luckily, he had lots of experience being in boundless and desolate stretches, Ed directly jumped down just like last time but whilst exercising more caution.

Though still reckless, Ed's thirst for knowledge demanded he didn't waste a single second on his descent.