Chapter 48:Being Forgotten is a Nightmare

"What? How come?" Joy asked, still refusing to believe Light's news.

"She.. She.." Light tried to form words but he just stuttered because he had been feeling nauseous while he walked and searched for Joy. Just then, he slowly collapsed on the ground--and Joy tried her best to catch him.

"Light!" Joy screamed as she caught him in her arms. "How did it all come to this?"

"Hope... Stellar died. I collapsed after trying to save her and she.. She was gone when I woke up and when I looked outside, people were surrounding a corpse- and it was.. It was Stellar- she jumped off the room while I was unconscious and she's dead... She's dead..."

"Why did you collapse? What did you do?" Joy asked him.

Light looked up and tried to stay conscious because the lingering effect of his going all out still hurt him and it made him dizzy. He held his head and sat down--away from Joy.

"I knew that she had no desire to even live but I still gave my all trying to save her. I gave her colors- my being- and because of that, I became so exhausted until I collapsed." Light explained but he nearly dropped down on the ground again and Joy caught him "Sorry."

Joy shook her head and assured Light that it was alright, however, the thought of Polaris suddenly came to her mind--she became ashamed of herself. Light knew that Stellar don't have a desire to live anymore but he still helped her while Joy, on the other hand gave up on her mission because of something so minor. "Light, I'll take you home." Joy said and helped him up. She placed his arms on her shoulders and started walking home.

"Hope... All my efforts are wasted. I was not able to save her. I-"

Light was crying. Joy didn't know what to do because Light has always been the strongest person she knew--he had been the cornerstone of her strength and seeing him so devastated hurt her more. If she only had anything she could tell him- if she only had motivating words inside her- but there was none.

"She must have suffered greatly... She must have never known happiness..." Light cried. "What am I here for now that I have failed to save another person. First - Cammy... Then now Stellar... Why did they even sent me here?"

Joy stopped walking and Light looked at her.

"I know why you were sent here." Joy said. Light was shocked and looked at her.

"What... How?"

"You are a guardian angel, right? You are here to save everyone and you chose me. You are not alone in carrying this burden." Joy said and helped Light sit down. Light was too worn out he couldn't even mose an inch or talk. Joy arranged herself to a stance Light knew- and he started to protest. He gave every ounce of his remaining energy to stop her but he was too exhausted and Joy easily controlled him to just sit still.

"Light," Joy said and she placed her hand on his shoulder. Light looked at her and gave him a look of a 'solid no' but Joy ignored him. He was too worried--because the necklace of Joy was near to the color of blood red- and if she saved Light, his pains would just add up to her- and once her necklace became black, that would mean-

"As the heavens appointed me,

I stand before you."

"Hope. Stop. Please. I am begging you. Don't do this--you shouldn't! "

"I am Hope, the chosen one.

I saw how you suffered now I'm ending them one by one."

"Hope. Please... If you do this-" Light tried his hard to convince Joy to stop. He knew he had to make excuses. He knew that very well but he couldn't speak much.

"The pain in your heart, share it with me.

For you to see the beauty this world has to give."

"Hope! Stop don't do this if you continue-"

"So now be happy, hopeful and joyful.

Live life as you have resurrected from the-"

" I'll die if you continue! Stop!"


Joy heard him but it was too late. She had already casted her chant and once she started, there was no turning back. A bright silver light started to compass them and Joy saw clearly how Light looked at her with his cold, angry gaze- a truly unfamiliar sight of him that she hadn't seen for such a long time.


After the Light faded, Joy collapsed to the ground--and Light failed to catch her as she fell. He ran to her - and he saw her necklace changing colors. It had become darker than blood- it was almost black--and Light looked at his necklace.

His necklace was white again. A pure white.

Light tried to remove the necklace in Joy's neck but he remembered the consequence of that. He needed to save her before he could take the necklace away.

He brought Joy to their house through her window and did not even look at her for the last time. He left her alone, unconscious in her room and began to search for Polaris. He went back to the school and saw someone familiar - it was a guy with silver highlight and black necklace that looked exactly like his '.

"Yvan Uriel."

"Congratulations." he said and looked at Light. "Stellar did not die. She was saved."

"Really? How?" Light asked him, his eyes were full of relief.

"She hesitated while she was mid-air and she tried to save herself before she fell--she did not bump her head but she acquired fractures."

"Something is wrong with you." Light said.

"I know. I know that." Yvan said and combed his hair using his fingers. "Thank you for saving her, Light Elkin."

"Weird. You're weird." Light said.

"Your necklace..." Yvan said with a gloomy face as soon as he saw the necklace of Light that became pure white. "Did Hope do that?"

"Yes." Light held the necklace close to him.

"I know it's pointless to remind you but once a Chosen saves you, not only half of your sufferings will go to her- it will be the your entire pain and heartaches. You must hate her for what happened."

Light thought to himself. How could he be mad at Hope who only wanted to save her? She don't know anything--she don't know what will happen once her necklace turn black. She do not know that he will disappear and she will forget him. He blamed himself for what happened.

"I don't want to be forgotten by someone I hold so dearly. I don't want to just disappear from her life after all that we've been through. I am in love with her, Yvan and I know that it's wrong and I shouldn't be feeling this... But I want to walk with her until we reach the end of the road. I want to stay with her because just the thought of her being happy with someone else gives me pain here. " Light held his chest and looked down. " I want to be the one that makes her happy, that watches her sleep, I want to be the person she can rely on."

" You time is limited and you know it. "

" Yes. " Light smiled at him.

" I can read your mind. You are planning to stay away from her and do the missions alone, right?" Yvan said and combed his hair again. He sure likes to look cool.

" Yes. I don't want to disappear. I don't want to be forgotten. If there is only a way that I could still be with her... "

"You remember Twinquel?" Yvan asked him and faced Light.

"Yes, the chosen who chose you."

"Good. You sure remember Stellar right?"

"Of course--stop talking nonsense." Light replied.

"Light, the chosen one, Stellar is Twinquel."