"Yeah he's not here" b responded trying not-to avoid the obvious.
sky comments real quick
"He took off already"
Dhayle gives a look of concern when she starts thinking and she looks over to b and noticed after a double take that the vest is not hers.
She immediately points to the couch and tell b to "SIT!" Similar to commanding a domesticated dog. B walked over and sat on couch next to sky as dhayle grabs the recently christened chair.
Sky and b both look up in hesitation as she sit down, just as they both looked up they also both coughed nervously at the same time. Stirring the curiosity in dhayle.
"Okay okay I'll go first, yes he slept here. No we didn't have sex, yes he will leave soon, and dhayle I'm done with the first two of pieces so I am working he's not that much of a distraction"
B feeling like she must defend herself against nothing but making sure to articulate and rid some of the ideas dhayle is having.
"Well, I guess my turn, I'm sky. I like ur sister and I wanna know what she does for work" he was rather blunt but earnest about the confession.
B and dhayle smile at him admiring the embarrassment in his expression.
Dhayle is now In the start of a laughing party. She says with a giggle
"Whoa!!! the both of u? ...I'm not here to be ur parol officer I'm actually here hoping you'd just pull out the dabs and we can relax a little... jeez You too" she said
Relief seems to fill the rooms aura along with smoke and allot of chuckling
"But heads up, nies gonna be in a war path if he knows your here with our sister" she noted to sky before the inhale.
Sky said immediately "he knows"
" what?!" B exclaims wondering "who else knows your here?" Not that it was a problem for any of them b just thought the camp out was discreet
Why are they worried about me telling people, I said I was on vacation. They don't know where...
"True story, I said I was gonna take a vacation, where was never said. Nie asked what I was doing, swear all I said was relaxing" dhayle lifts up an eyes brow towards me, "I let him know yesterday I was gonna check out the paintings she was doing, okay?!"
Dhayle's look is like nies when he's annoyed. "Anyways he's to busy with Colleen to even care, I'll tell him myself when I leave but really he just thinks I came to help with the painting"
Instead of watching this return I ended up pulling out two more batteries and 2 full carts and just passed them over, I didn't know how to avoid any of this. Darn living in a studio apt.
This conversation had to chill plus I had something important that needed to be asked anyways.
What? how much does she think I'm going to smoke, and why does she have so much? She doesn't smoke this much.
I wonder? Dating? No she ain't the type she's rather be a rogue, so.. did he really sleep here? I don't know?
"Sky? Do u have a job in the art world?" He looks at me and shook his head no. It is curious? This fling that's happening... I think it's about time someone challenge her to be more like a women. Some days she to tomboyish. I mean look at her with a mans vest on?
"Hey dhayle lets talk outside real quick"
I accept and we walk to the Balcony. She hands me a tea and has this look of concern on her face.
She and I walk outside and I slowly closes the door behind us. she turns up the speaker inside the apt. I thinking this might actually be serious? He's not gonna move in is he?
"U know when mom use to tell us about the hot flashes she use to get when she was young and how it was always with her even when she got older?"
Okay now the subject has got my full attention.
"Yeah of course, I watched her go through a lot of them? What's up why u asking?"
B—— I was almost afraid to tell my sister, it was almost embarrassing but I was scared.
I turn back to her and said
"I think I inherited it, I just had one today and it was not okay" my look of concern to dhayle made her think pretty hard. We didn't say anything for minutes. She just rubbed my back with one hand.
"How did it stop?"
"What?!" How do I tell her how it stopped
...?it just did? or
?I meditated? or ?
?all three?
... that Sky???
"Uhm... I'm not sure how it stopped, it happened when I was painting" I didn't wanna add in extra worry so I left it at that I thought?
"No really b- how did it stop? What exactly were u doing when it stopped?" Whats this.. she knows something, okay I gotta come clean
"I really don't know, the first time it happened I meditated for a couple hrs the second time it was the same just meditation but I was in a pool,
Today was different it was shorter, and I bit into my brushes and concentrated on trying to paint. Sky also, also..." I bow cowardly not wanting to go into detail about how he helped "we made out in front the painting, that distraction made it go away" it was a quick the Answer I gave that came off as me being so embarrassed.
"Haha what? U were gonna fuck him I knew it!!" Wtf, how does my family jokes in a serious conversation is just a habit, but it made me smile and put me at ease and also I got defensive about my actions.
"No!. Well yeah but not here in my apt" smiling and getting it out made dhayle laugh even more.
" b, Moms problems aren't the same as yours, I'm not sure what it was... today I'll just hang out here, don't go anywhere and let me see if I can get some info. Totally Promise I'll be good I won't let them know it's you" her reassurance was nice
"Okay" I say back.
she my older sister she had her ways and she's use to getting her way.
She use to get them also, for her it seem to have remedied itself away, similar to a bad cold or growing pains. She'll find out for me, I know she will.