"Penguin? No, no we can't. He's not too fond of me if you know what I mean." Harley laughed nervously.

"Come on, Quinn. I'm sure whatever you did it can't be that bad."

"Oh, it's bad. It's really, really bad."

"What did you do?" Ivy asked.

"I um... I don't know if I want to talk about it." Harley looked away.

Ivy took her chin in a gentle hold. She looked down at Harley with her eyebrow raised. "What did you do, Quinn?" She repeated with a firm voice. "You can't hide things from me." She added. Harley stepped back. "No, it doesn't matter. All you should know is that he wants me dead. I can't do that. I don't want to die."

"It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you."

"You can't promise that." Harley replied.

"You're right, I can't. But you have to trust me on this. Please..." Ivy had begging eyes. Like a little puppy. "Please, this can be what you owe me. Remember, I saved you." Ivy giggled. "You won't be in dept anymore."

Harley sighed. "Fine. But if anything happens, it's on you. Got it?" She agreed.

"Got it." Ivy smiled. So they headed to the Cobblepot mansion. Ivy made sure to look like a normal human. As she was changing under a tree Harley couldn't help but look.

"Where'd ol' Ivy go? All I see is Pamela Isley. She's got a great smile, so no need to frown all the time. Won't you smile for me, Pam?" Harley teased. "Knock it off, Quinn." She laughed and rolled her eyes as she put on her shirt. "Whateva ya say, red." Harley tilted her head.

"Are you ready?" Ivy asked.

"I guess I have to be." Harley replied. Ivy stroked her face. "You'll be fine. I'll protect you." Ivy assured her.

"I don't need you're protection. I just need to get this over with." Harley started walking with Ivy following behind her. They made sure to be carful. They tried to lay low as they went to the other side of the city.

They didn't want anyone to recognize them. Especially Harley's unique appearance.

Finally once they got there after stealing some food and having their feet ache, it was already almost night time. They didn't realize up until that moment how big the city really was.

Harley felt paranoid. Ivy could see it because it was practically written all over her face. "It'll be okay, Quinn." Ivy placed her hand on Harley's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

They knocked on the big door to the giant mansion.

A man wearing a suit and white gloves opened the door. "Ms. Isley, it's nice to see you again. Ms. Quinn..." He looked her up and down.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a firm voice. "We've come to make a deal with Mr. Cobblepot." Ivy said.

"A deal? Well it doesn't seem wise for Ms. Quinn to be here, but if you have something to offer, do come in. We shall talk about this more in private. I'll show you to Mr. Cobblepot." He stood to the side with the door open ready for them to come in.

Harley hesitated but finally followed behind Ivy.

The man led them through the mansion. It was filled with all sorts of treasures and expensive antiques. There were many portraits of Penguin on the walls. He opened two double doors and waited for them to enter the dark room.

Once they we're inside he closed the door and watched as they took a step forward.

"Why have you come here? After braking my daughter's heart, you dare to stand in my presence, miss Quinn?" A familiar voice spoke from the shadows.