Chapter 33 - Reunion

"Someone you know?" Huang asked Luan.

"Yeah. One of them is my master." He said, "I'll go say hello to them."

"Sure then I will go sell these items."

Luan went to his teacher and Huang went to sell the items he had with him.

"I think you shouldn't be that harsh on your disciples, Xinyi." Isla said after Xinyi came close to her after dismissing her disciples.

"They are immature. They don't know the gravity of being a cultivator yet." She replied, "Anyhow, they are under my care for the next 5 years until they reach the meridian opening realm or they are forcefully kicked out."

"You are right, but still..." Isla spoke.

"Master Isla!" Luan said and both of them looked to the side.

"Oh! Aren't you two...Luan and Angela?"

They came closer and Xinyi looked at Isla, "Who are they? I've never seen them in your class." She asked.

"Well, they are my disciples but they're not really present..."

"Hm! So you are the guys who started traveling the sect land without any protection?!" Xinyi asked the two.

Her words took them by surprise and they lifted their hands in defense, "Um? Who are you...?"

"Let me introduce you to her." Isla spoke, "She is the master of Class-B from building B. Jiang Xinyi."

Luan realized how big of a deal she was, "Oh I'm sorry master I didn't know that." He bowed to her.

"It's alright, just be careful." They started observing the disciples who were doing their own thing. Some were meditating and others were looking at the surrounding.

Luan couldn't help but look at the two masters' face and thing of something.

'They look somewhat alike. And the variation in their names."

Isla noticed him looking and asked, "Um, what is it?"

'Oh, I think I was too obvious..." He thought and said, "I was thinking that you two looked alike."

"You have sharp eyes! We two are sisters." Xinyi replied, "Although we don't share the same mother."

"Wait, sisters? Then what about the great difference in your names?"

Luan noticed this soon after coming to the sect but the names of people were very inconsistent.

The name "Xinyi" sounds like a native name here, but the name "Isla" is far from it.

"I see what you mean kid. I think Isla should answer your question." Xunyi said.

"Oh, sure." Isla took a moment before saying it, "You don't know this because you were absent, but a hundred thousand years ago, at the time when cultivation was at it's peak, it's said that many transcendents came from the heavens and made this world their own." She said excitedly.

"People that came from heavens?"

"Yes, it's still a myth if this story is true or not because everybody from that era has died of old age or in a death battle."

The Haitian era: The beginning of everything one has know to exist. Hundred thousand years ago natives of this world and Otherworlders started coexisting. Thus came the modern names, for example "Isla" and "Warola" including "Fitzgerald"

Only this much is known about this Era and it's still a mystery if this story that is told to kids is actually true or not.

Master Isla's mother is the descendant of an Otherworlder and Xinyi is the descendant of an native. Even though they are from the same father, they share different first name but same family name.

"it must be a blessing to be born as a descendant of an otherworlder, then." Luan said.

"Yeah, you could practically say it comes with some benefits. Like for example, those who believe the story will treat you like a noble after verifying the bloodline and if you're karmic luck is high you can even awaken their unique skills."She said, " Also, it's a tradition to give a child who is a descendant of the otherworlders a modern first name.

"This is too practical considering it's a kids story...But it's interesting." Luan spoke.

"Yes it is, but we can't find out about anything because there is no way of knowing it." Isla said, a little sad.

"Anyway, I think your friend wants to see you." Xinyi said to them.

After looking behind, luan saw Alden hesitating to meet him and was just watching them from the side.

After noticing that he has been found he just waved his hand anxiously.

"Then, I'll be off masters." Luan and Angela bowed down one last time before going on to meet him.

"Hey! Don't get into trouble! Everyone of you." Xinyi said.


"Yo." Luan said to Alden.

"...How are you?" Alden asked him worriedly.

"...Drop the act dude, why are you so anxious of me?"

Alden became even more ancious after hearing that.

"Um, It's nothing sir Luan." He said.


"Just drop the 'sir' ok? I won't eat you." Luan said, "Besides, your friends here won't forgive me if I did anything wrong." He pointed to the three guys besides Alden.

Two of them had long black hair. The front hair of the two were short just reaching the jaw and one of them tied the hair in ponytail. The third one had brown short hair. He was the same person with the lowest temper.

"Don't worry about us! You can talk with our Lord all you want!" Although they tried making a happy expression, one could tell they weren't very happy.

"Oh is everyone here?" Eloise came to them and asked.

"Oh! Angela when did you come here?"

"Eloise!" Angela spoke.

"How do you know each other?" Luan asked.

"Well... It's a long story." Alden said.


After a while of chatting

"Well, that aside, we should enter the dungeon as well. It's already been 2 days since it's opened." Luan said.

As if to agree with them, the two masters clapped their hands to grab their attention.

"Now everyone! We will start going inside the dungeon. We don't know the criteria for completing it so you have to be careful."

Dungeons aren't simple in many ways. They have a criteria for clearing it. One cannot leave the dungeon until it is cleared, unless an anomaly occurs. As for the criteria, it is dependant on the cultivator what it should be.

They started going in the direction of the dungeon and luan informed Huang about it.

Alden noticed luan looking around and decided to ask, "Um, si- I mean Luan, is something wrong?"

"All those people following us for some time, we should take care of them."

Qi gathering Experts can't sense people. For example they won't know if someone is behind them or on the other side of the wall unless they express intent, just like any other normal human being, but they have increased 5 senses.

Though they can sense realm of another person weaker than them.

"Ah! No those are my friends! Please don't do anything to them." Alden replied.

"Your friends? Those guys from before who didn't like me?"

"... Yeah, those guys."

"Haa~ Interesting. It's alright as long as they don't attack us."

"Hey look!" A disciple said and others followed.

"It's a dungeon. It's my first time seeing it!"

"I can sense great amount of Qi coming from it."

What stood before them was a portal of 10 meters in height and 1 meter wide. It emitted yellow and blue light combined with purple and red. The harmony of the colours was one thing, but the pressure and Qi coming from it was another.

The two masters saw this as an opportunity to explain some things.

"See those different lights? Those represent the personality and nature of the cultivator!" Xinyi said, "When you reach the next realm you will get a random colored Qi. For example Blue, pink, red, green and others."

Isla said, "It's known that the color of the Qi represent the personality of the cultivator but it's not the only thing responsible for it, it's still unknown what it actually is that shapes the Qi to those color." She continued, "Two cultivators can have same colored Qi, and that's completely fine because the color doesn't affect power and such. So don't dwell on it."

People were guarding the dungeon looked like they were taking fees to let others go in.

"Halt! Give your passing fees and we shall let you pass." The guard said.

The other one said, "It will be 1,300 gold for each one of you."

Luan gulped after hearing that, "I guess money is extremely important for everything..."

"We have the pass for allowing us to enter here." Isla said, "It's signed by the witch of the cold night."

They took a brief look at the pass and kowtowed to them.

"We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience masters! We sincerely hope you can explore the dungeon easily."

'They're in the meridian opening?!' The guards thought at the same time.

With saying that, they gave way for the almost 20 people of both class combined.


It felt as if they have transversed to a different land all together.

Just before, they were in the field and now they were inside a big cave, reaching about a hundred feet in height and going almost endless in the front.

But there was one issue....

"Wow! I wonder how many treasures I'll get!"

"I know! This will be a fun experience!"

With all the excitement of the disciples. They didn't notice that.

Their masters were not with them.