Sprained ankle

Hu Zi touched it a few times and felt that this big horse was much cuter than the previous one. He laid his hands on it and shouted, " "Go-"

Sheng nanxuan laughed and smacked his butt.

"Cousin, cousin-in-law." When Tian Cheng returned and saw that they were all waiting for her, she felt apologetic and hurriedly dismounted from her horse.

"Slow down!" Gong mo hurriedly said.

ah! Tian Cheng's feet touched the ground, and she fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

Gong mo and the coach rushed forward. Sheng nanxuan also turned around with Hu Zi in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Gong mo asked anxiously.

Tian Cheng hugged her leg and gasped in pain, but she still shook her head.

The coach held her ankle and examined it, saying, " it's just a sprain. It's not a big deal, but it might hurt for two days.

Gong mo hurriedly helped her up. Seeing her in pain, he comforted her, " "Bear with it for now. It'll be fine after we go back and deal with it."