Kill her love rival in the cradle

Tian Cheng gasped in pain, but she did not dare to cry out. She could only grit her teeth and endure it.

Ding dang stared at Yu Qingliu's hand, slowly munching on melon seeds.

After Yu Qingliu finished massaging, she looked up and met her eyes. She was stunned for a moment and said to Gong mo, " "It's fine now. Rest for a few hours and don't move. You can run and jump at night. It's not a problem to walk now, but it's best to rest to avoid swelling."

Gong mo heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly nodded. "Then you should go upstairs and rest."

"But the banquet is going to start soon, Yingluo."

it's alright. We'll only officially start at night. You should rest first.

"I'm going to wash my hands," Yu Qingliu said as she stood up.

Tian Cheng's face turned red. She knew that he was going to wash off the medicinal wine on her hands, but she was still worried that her feet would stink.

hi ~"ding dang lowered her head to look at her.