Maybe she will listen to you

After Shan Rong and the others got over their jet lag, they went to the Yu family to visit Yu Zhengming and Wu surong. The next day, he asked Tian Cheng to come over for dinner.

"Is Chengcheng alright?" Shan Rong asked Gong mo after breakfast.

"She's living quite a carefree life,"

"Then she and CEng Shuai are having fun together?"

Gong mo sighed,"I can't persuade him." I don't know if she doesn't want to get married or if she's afraid of marriage, but she doesn't want to go any further. Why don't you talk to her? She might listen to you."

"Alright, I'll make some indirect inquiries." Shan Rong nodded. By the way, where's gong Bai? Have you been in contact?"

"I'll call a few times during the holidays."

"He's been gone for ten years. Is he really not coming back?" Shan Rong sighed, feeling a little helpless. has he found a partner yet? "

I did, but he changed the topic. I don't know either. I guess he didn't.