He didn't dare to call out Huo die's name

Gong Bai could only call her, but she didn't answer. When he got home, he realized that she didn't bring her phone.

Gong Bai was lying on the sofa tiredly and couldn't help but feel worried.

She's a girl, I hope nothing happens to her.

The next day, she didn't come back, and Gong Bai didn't know where to find her.

On the third day, he was so worried that he went to her office. The people in the shop were also looking for her-she had skipped work.

Just like that, she disappeared. One day, two days of embarrassment quickly turned into one week, two weeks.

One month later, Gong Bai found old K's business card and called the number on it.

The call was quickly picked up and old K's cold voice was heard."Who is it?"

"It's me, Gong Bai," Gong Bai paused for a moment.

Old K laughed,"why?" You've thought it through and want to be my disciple?"

"No, I'm not. I suddenly remember that you didn't mention the fire butterfly in your story last time."