Chapter 2072- 

What kind of logic is this? She did not understand.

Sheng Ling closed her eyes and said irritatedly, " "I want to go back to the lab and die there!"

He closed the door and went back to take a shower.

Yu qinghuan suddenly felt that even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she would not be able to clear her name.

She sat on the bed in frustration, and soon Sheng Ling came out. He walked to her side with a towel around him, the water from his hair dripping onto her body.

She raised her head and he slowly bent down, his hands supporting her side.

Yu qinghuan was taken aback. She leaned back and looked at him in confusion.

He laughed,"procreate?" Eh? Then we'll have more offspring."

After he finished speaking, he kissed her.

wuwuwuwu. Yu qinghuan reached out to push him away, but instead, she lost her balance and fell onto the bed.