Black Smith Scroll

I turned around feeling satisfied with the scroll. I was met with the face of Rose, as red as a tomato. "What's wrong?" I asked with a look of concern, she looked up at me and got even redder. "I just wanna say that... Um... Your a great guy and... Um... That it would really mean the world to me if... Um..." she paused for a minute before finishing "I'd you would let me... Um... Be in your party!" she blurted out.

I looked at the for a second before replying "Yeah sure." I said with a weird look on my face. I thought for a second that she was about to confess her love or something but I was obviously mistaken. It was obviously way to early for that, I had known her for less than two days, of course if she did confess there was no way that would say no. Boy unfortunately she didn't.

I sent her a party invite then we walked towards the rest of the group.

'Dammit Rose, how could you be so green in front of him, now he probably thinks your a weirdo. No one wants to go out with a weirdo. Way to go Rose' She thought to herself while pouting again, she made sure that I couldn't see her this time and stood right behind me.

She finished pouting and put on a wide smile when the rest of the group came into view. They were all holding there new ID cards with a grin "So you got your IDs." I said while holding up my own for them to see.

I walked over to them but no one talked, they just stood there waiting for me to say something. I thought for a moment before speaking, "So what does everyone want to do? I think it's best if we take a vote as to what to do next. Anyone got any ideas?" Lucy raised her hand and I pointed to her, "I think we should all buy a scroll like you and learn some weapon arts." she said before pointing to the scroll in my hand. "That's and excellent suggestion." I said while I patted her on the head "Does everyone agree in this?" I asked.

I looked around the group to see everyone nodding their heads, then I noticed that Alice and Jennifer were gone. I looked over the ceoud trying to spot them but they seemed to have disappeared from sight. "Has anyone seen Alice or Jennifer?" I asked "They left, they said that they didn't need us and would go and find a way to get stronger by themselves" Oscar said before scoffing at the thought that they could do better than us.

I sighed for a moment then decided to let them do as they please. "Okay everyone go and buy a scroll then, we will go back to the apartments and learn them." I said whilst placing my skill in my inventory then walking over to the item shop again. I decided that I would buy another scroll as I had a lot of money thanks to the badges I had earnt. I scrolled through for about ten minutes reading every scroll before I came across one that intrigued me.

[Black Smithing Ability Scroll - Item type : Scroll - Rarity : 2 - Allows the user to learn all forms of the Black Smithing - Cost : 500 Vis]

I had often moonlighted as a blacksmith in my free time when I played WoF as it was an easy way to earn some coin and I could have the skills to keep my equipment at full durability. I bought the scroll without thinking it through properly and placed it straight into my inventory. Everyone else were still picking their scrolls so I decided to browse through the item menu.

There were tons of different types of items for sale, Books, Maps, Botany, Furniture, Sculptures, Vehicles, Body Parts. All in all their was around 25 different sections in the item menu.

None of the items could be equipped, they were either placed in 'Faction Territories' or in the user's inventory. For example,

[Gate of Alexander - Item type : Gate - Rarity : 8 - a legendary barrier built by Alexander the Great to keep the uncivilized barbarians of the north from invading the land to the south.- Placed in a Faction Territory to keep out visitors with bad intentions - Cost : 50, 000,000 Vis]

This seemed like an incredibly useful item but its cost was simply too extravagant. I would have to complete 50000 achievements to get that much money. You could also buy item chests like the ones I had in my inventory, you had to be at least level ten to open any of them but the level increased with each different grade of box.

Level 10 boxes were items of tier 1 to 4, Level 20 boxes were items of tier 2 to 5, Level 40 boxes were items of tier 3 to 6, Level 80 boxes were items of tier 4 to 7, Level 100 boxes were items of tier 5 to 8, Level 150 boxes were items of tier 6 to 9, Level 180 boxes were items of tier 7 to 9, Level 200 boxes were items of tier 8 to 9.

I silently pledged to myself to get all of the best items in the new world before turning from where I was stood and walking towards where the rest were stood. We talked about the different scrolls we got for a while then started to head home.

We walked out the front door and headed up the hill towards the apartment block. We had decided to go and learn the skills in the underground parking structure as it was isolated and hidden so no one would see us training.

As we entered the parking garage we all took out our scrolls and learned the abilities. Just as the last of us learned the abilities a loud rumbling sound echoed around us then a notification appeared in front of our faces.

[Dugeons will now enter the world, dungeons are the best source of EXP, Vis and loot. More information about dungeons will be provided from within a dungeon.]

Before I had even finished reading the notification the ground suddenly stopped rumbling and a gate shrouded in a green light had appeared in the middle of the car park. I obviously knew it was a dungeon so I ran towards it and entered without a second thought, the others followed closely behind.